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Estimating the initial priority population for COVID-19 vaccination by state

Estimating the initial priority population for COVID-19 vaccination by state
Estimating the initial priority population for COVID-19 vaccination by state


On December 1, 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization (ACIP) was the first RecommendationHealthcare professionals and long-term care facility residents adopted by the CDC director should be first provided with the COVID-19 vaccine after being approved or approved by the FDA (see Appendix A). ACIP recommendations Health care workersPeople at high risk of becoming infected with COVID-19 are essential for maintaining medical performance during a pandemic.In addition, it recognizes it caregiver When infected with the virus, there is an increased risk of serious illness, accounting for 40% of all deaths from COVID-19. The state has the authority to make its own allocation decisions, but in most cases it will follow the ACIP guidelines of the first priority group.

This analysis provides new national and state-level estimates of the number of healthcare workers and caregivers who are expected to receive the COVID-19 vaccine first and become part of the group, and for this first priority. Get insights into. Population varies from state to state. These estimates are based on an analysis of 2019 American Community Survey (ACS) and Certification and Survey Provider Enhanced Reports (CASPER) data.

Our health care workers’ estimates are lower than others because they are more likely to come into direct contact with patients based on their profession and are limited to those who currently work in the healthcare setting with a workforce. There is a possibility. Includes workers who provide direct clinical care, such as doctors, nurses and assistants. Workers who directly support patients, such as environmental staff and food staff. And the frontline supervisors and managers of these professions. In addition, estimates are based on the living conditions of health care workers. Some healthcare professionals may work in jurisdictions other than their place of residence. For example, many healthcare professionals in the District of Columbia live in Virginia and Maryland. Our national estimates of long-term care resident include individuals living in certified long-term care facilities and ancillary living facilities, but not other individuals living in other living environments. Due to data limitations, state-level estimates do not include people living in living support facilities or other living environments.

Survey results

It is estimated that 19.7 million adults work in the medical field nationwide, of which about 15.5 million are in direct contact with patients. In addition, the number of residents of long-term care facilities is 1.2 million, and the number of residents of long-term care facilities is about 800,000. Together, healthcare professionals in direct contact with patients and residents of either long-term care or living support facilities account for approximately 17.6 million people in the United States, or approximately 7% of the adult population.

The number of people in this first priority group varies widely from state to state. The number of adults in direct contact with patients or residents of long-term care facilities ranges from 23,800 in Washington, DC to approximately 1.7 million in California, but the proportion of adults in these groups is approximately. It is 4.4%. In Washington, DC, seven states have reached at least 8%, with North Dakota having the highest share (10%), followed by Pennsylvania (8.3%), Minnesota (8.1%), and Rhode Island (8.1%). I will. As mentioned earlier, these estimates do not include people living in living facilities or other living environments.


Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (HHS) Announcement about it 40 million times Sufficient vaccines will be available to vaccinate 20 million people by the end of December 2020, given that the most advanced major vaccine regiments in the approval process will need to be vaccinated twice. There is a possibility of becoming.Recent media Report Indicates that the number of vaccines available for early distribution may be lower than initially predicted. The HHS will allocate vaccinations to states based on their proportion of the total adult population in the United States, but so far no information has been published regarding the actual number of vaccines assigned to each state.

Differences in the number of health care workers and caregivers across the state can have a heterogeneous impact across the state on the ability to vaccinate priority populations using the first vaccine assignment. Some states have sufficient supply to vaccinate their priority population, while others lack it, and it may be necessary to decide who will go first among the people in this first group. Hmm. In addition, when states assign vaccines to the local level, the ability of counties, municipalities, and healthcare systems to vaccinate health care workers and caregivers can vary depending on vaccine supply and community demographics. If the supply is insufficient to fully vaccinate the first priority population, ACIP will first provide vaccines to healthcare professionals whose jurisdiction requires proximity to other people (within 6 feet). He said he might consider doing Additional factors Lower prioritization of healthcare professionals may be considered. Similarly, because ACIP risks COVID-19-related deaths for residents of these environments, the jurisdiction may first provide vaccinations to skilled nursing facility residents and health care workers. It states that it may be considered.

Status Adult total Initial priority population
Healthcare professionals in direct contact with the patient Nursing facility residents total Percentage of the preferred population of all adults
America* 250,235,900 15,525,100 1,246,100 16,771,200 6.7%
Alabama 3,697,300 225,300 22,700 248,000 6.7%
Alaska 526,200 33,000 500 33,500 6.4%
Arizona 5,485,500 289,300 10,300 299,600 5.5%
Arkansas 2,237,600 145,500 17,300 162,700 7.3%
California 29,920,500 1,558,100 100,000 1,658,000 5.5%
Colorado 4,377,800 263,500 16,000 279,500 6.4%
Connecticut 2,736,600 197,200 19,600 216,800 7.9%
Delaware 742,000 54,800 3,900 58,800 7.9%
Washington District 544,800 22,500 1,300 23,800 4.4%
Florida 16,839,200 991,500 71,200 1,062,700 6.3%
Georgia 7,832,000 405,700 22,900 428,600 5.5%
Hawaii 1,049,200 56,700 3,400 60,100 5.7%
Idaho 1,308,500 76,800 3,300 80,100 6.1%
Illinois 9,583,100 626,500 65,600 692,100 7.2%
Indiana 4,987,100 324,800 37,600 362,400 7.3%
Iowa 2,348,800 148,900 22,300 171,200 7.3%
Kansas 2,126,800 147,400 16,800 164,200 7.7%
Kentucky 3,342,400 215,200 21,500 236,700 7.1%
Louisiana 3,429,500 226,300 25,900 252,100 7.4%
Maine 1,064,800 75,000 5,800 80,900 7.6%
Maryland 4,569,400 294,400 16,500 310,900 6.8%
Massachusetts 5,323,100 390,300 34,400 424,700 8.0%
Michigan 7,664,100 516,800 37,500 554,400 7.2%
Minnesota 4,233,200 319,400 23,400 342,800 8.1%
Mississippi 2,182,700 136,300 15,900 152,200 7.0%
Missouri 4,604,900 308,900 37,300 346,200 7.5%
Montana 818,000 54,700 3,800 58,500 7.1%
Nebraska 1,409,100 100,000 10,600 110,600 7.8%
Nevada 2,350,500 101,900 5,600 107,500 4.6%
New Hampshire 1,064,100 75,400 6,400 81,800 7.7%
New jersey 6,790,900 439,000 42,400 481,400 7.1%
New Mexico 1,576,900 101,000 5,500 106,500 6.8%
New York 14,985,700 1,103,600 89,800 1,193,400 8.0%
North Carolina 7,886,700 472,500 36,100 508,600 6.4%
North Dakota 557,200 50,400 5,300 55,800 10.0%
Ohio 8,827,900 631,100 71,900 702,900 8.0%
Oklahoma 2,893,300 183,000 17,200 200,200 6.9%
Oregon 3,287,200 201,300 4,700 206,000 6.3%
Pennsylvania 9,802,200 740,100 72,500 812,600 8.3%
Puerto Rico 2,594,600 92,300 out of service out of service
Rhode Island 817,600 58,400 7,600 66,000 8.1%
South Carolina 3,895,400 223,000 15,600 238,600 6.1%
South dakota 642,400 45,200 5,600 50,800 7.9%
Tennessee 5,159,400 324,700 26,600 351,400 6.8%
Texas 20,987,700 1,202,100 90,700 1,292,800 6.2%
Utah 2,234,700 124,600 5,600 130,100 5.8%
Vermont 486,800 33,000 2,400 35,400 7.3%
Virginia 6,360,800 367,100 19,600 386,600 6.1%
Washington 5,795,500 327,800 15,100 342,900 5.9%
West Virginia 1,389,500 97,600 9,300 106,900 7.7%
Wisconsin 4,434,500 299,100 21,200 320,400 7.2%
Wyoming 430,200 25,800 2,200 28,100 6.5%
Note: * Excludes an estimated 800,000 residents of life support facilities. Including, 17.6 million people are part of the national priority population, about 7% of the adult population.
Source: KFF analysis of the 2019 American Community Survey and KFF analysis of the 2019 Certification and Survey Provider Enhanced Reports (CASPER) data..

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