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County authorities are working on dramatic statistics on ICU capacity in San Joaquin | News


State officials announced that the capacity of the San Joaquin Valley intensive care unit dropped to 1.9% on Thursday. This is well below the 15% that can finally lift the curfew in counties, including Khan.

The San Joaquin Valley is one of three curfew areas based on recent state guidelines, and the state reports that ICU capacity is the lowest of the five areas. .. Southern California capacity is reported to be 7.7%.

On Thursday, Kern County officials questioned some of the calculations the state used to reach these disastrous figures. They monitored ICU beds and said they assured the community that while COVID-19 cases were skyrocketing, local hospitals were more prepared to handle the surge than these numbers indicate. Said.

“Yes, we can see that the number of inpatients is increasing,” said Russell Judd, CEO of Khan Medical. “The narrowest neck of the funnel is the ICU, an element we are very aware of and concerned about. We emphasize that we are ready to meet the needs of the community.”

He said Khan Medical’s ICU beds are currently full, but with the exception of one, there are trauma victims and other patients with illnesses unrelated to COVID-19.

“Now is not the time when we are at stake,” he said.

“At any time in the last few years, you should have pointed to a random day in December and found that you were in exactly the same hospitalization as long as it was full,” Judd said. “It could have been another illness, it could have been the flu.”

But he added that he was concerned about what was ahead.

“Once again, we are concerned that we may be just around the corner and encourage everyone to be safe,” Judd said.

The San Joaquin Valley has been subject to a curfew since December 5th. According to state guidelines, once a region enters this blockade, it will stay there for three weeks. To unlock, the ICU metric must show that it maintains at least 15% capacity over a four-week period.

Brynn Carrigan, assistant director of Kern County Public Health Services, said there was a significant decline in capacity reported between 14.1% on Friday and Saturday when the state began linking local ICU capacity to a stay-at-home order. Said that. It was 8.1 percent. She said the decrease came not from the raw number of beds available, but from the states that removed pediatric ICU beds from the calculations at the time.

Mr. Calligan also said the state would make “arbitrary adjustments” to local ICU capacity calculations. She claims that when the ICU occupancy exceeds 30% of COVID-19 patients, the state calculates volume down 0.5% for every 1%. She calls this a “standardization factor.”

“I believe we can use the data reported by the hospital to reproduce state calculations,” she said.

She said the state’s calculations show that Kern County has an ICU capacity of 5.7%, but without the state’s “standardization factor”, the county’s capacity would be 10.6%.

Ryan Arsop, Chief Administrative Officer of Kern County, aimed at orders from the state. He said there was “no coordination” between the state and the county on how to enforce recent orders, and the county knows only hours before the general public.

He also said they do not consider the county to be productive in addressing the transmissions that are taking place in private settings between family and friends, not orders that have resources. It was.

“After all, I don’t know how to effectively enforce the wide variety of state directives, such as curfew, mask obligations, stay-at-home order, and business closures.” ..


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