There are optimistic reasons for COVID, but mitigation efforts are still needed
Helena — US surgeon General Jerome Adams states that the country is in an “unstable period” with COVID-19 and has experienced a record number of cases, hospitalizations and deaths. But he said there was reason to be optimistic.
“Montana has proved that these mitigation efforts work,” he said.
This week, Adams, one of the top public health authorities in the United States and a member of President Donald Trump’s Coronavirus Task Force, is coming to Montana to get the latest information on the state’s COVID-19 situation. .. On Thursday, he joined Governor Steve Bullock for a press conference at the Montana State Capitol.
Over the past two weeks, Montana has seen a decline in the number of new positive cases and hospitalizations, and the percentage of positive tests, according to Brock. Adams acknowledged these improvements to those who have taken steps such as wearing masks, maintaining social distance, and downsizing meetings.
“We know more about this virus than ever before, and we statistically know that your efforts are working to slow the spread,” he said.
However, Adams expressed concern that many Montana hospitals are still close to maximum capacity.
“That is, if you’re not afraid of the virus, you may not have access to a hospital bed if you have a heart attack, labor pains, or a car accident. It’s not an available bed.” He said.
He also said that the tribal community has been hit particularly hard by the virus, with Native Americans seeing a disproportionate number of COVID cases and deaths.
“This shows how the virus preyed not only on existing medical conditions, but also on people with existing social conditions who collude to reduce our resilience, opportunity and health. “We do,” said Adams.
Adams admitted that some people had questions about the health guidance they heard, and as public health leaders learned more about the virus, they might have done a better job of telling why their advice changed throughout the year. I admitted that I couldn’t.
For example, Adams said federal officials initially did not recommend wearing masks to everyone because it was unclear how many people were infected with the virus without showing symptoms. He said the data clearly show that half of the spread of the coronavirus is due to asymptomatic transmission and that most masks block most of the droplets that carry the coronavirus.
“Even if you don’t personally feel the risk of a virus, there are important reasons to wear a mask. One of them is that you can reduce the time your school is closed by wearing a mask voluntarily. Business Is closed, restaurants are closed, and we can accelerate the time it takes for us to return to a more normal sensation, “Adams said.
Adams also encouraged people to feel comfortable receiving COVID-19 vaccination once approved.
“Approximately 5,000 people participate in the average vaccine trial,” he said. “These trials enrolled 30,000 to 60,000 people and have more than 6 candidates. That is, any other data on safety at the time these vaccines were given to people are available. It ’s more than a vaccine. ”
The first two vaccine candidates expected to be available are from Pfizer and Moderna. Both companies state that the initial results were about 90% effective. Adams said it far exceeded the federal government’s goal of 50% to 60% effectiveness.
“Once people start getting vaccinated, we really have the ability to get the virus to the ground,” he said. “But knowing that the cavalry is coming does not mean that you just open the gate and lie down and let the enemy attack you. That is, stay alert and keep the fort until the cavalry arrives. You need to keep it. We need you to keep playing your role. “
Montana plans to ship the first 9,750 Pfizer vaccines next week, assuming federal approval. They were able to receive thousands more Pfizer and Moderna vaccines a week later.
Brock said he hopes 60,000 people will receive the vaccine for the first time by the end of 2020. The state first became health care workers in 10 large hospitals, then the frontline workers and care facilities in the provinces.
Adams said some mitigation efforts still needed, even after people began to be vaccinated. But he said he hopes life will begin to return to normal by the summer of 2021.
“If we can get everyone vaccinated, we can put this pandemic behind us,” he said. “So we need you to do your best to make this a little longer.”
Brock said the state brought 284 health care workers from outside Montana, especially those with staff in the quarantine for COVID, to assist the hospital.
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