Biogen conference related to 300,000 coronavirus cases
According to scientific research, the Biogen conference in Boston last winter caused the COVID-19 Superspreader to travel around the world, infecting an estimated 300,000 people.
The· February 26-27 meeting A number of managers at the Boston Marriott Long Wharf Hotel infected 100 participants who spread the virus to 29 states and other countries.
Overall, the study states that Biogen’s two-day brainstorming session is associated with an estimated 1.6% of all COVID-19 infections in the United States.
Report- Posted on thursday — Draw a horrifying picture of an infectious disease that ran from Boston across Massachusetts.
A scientific report with charts and data is a swarm of invisible strains (or coronaviruses) of SARS-CoV-2, and researchers have found that the virus is Florida, North Carolina, Indiana, Australia, Sweden, and Slovakia. He said the result was widespread.
“Genome data reveals that the impact of the conference was far greater than the approximately 100 cases directly related to the event,” the paper said.
“Using the number of cases reported by the state, it is estimated that by the end of the study period, approximately 50,000 diagnosed cases in the United States were due to the conference-related virus. Of these, 46% were in Massachusetts. “I did,” the report said. This includes the cases of Everett, Libya and Chelsea.
The total damage to the journal is as follows: “By November 1, 2020, it is estimated that a total of 245,000 cases marked with (one share) and 88,000 cases marked with (another share) were linked to the conference in the United States. Occupied the earliest conference-related spread, while Florida accounted for the largest proportion of all cases — 29.2%. ”
Two genetic signatures associated with a Cambridge-based Biogen Administrators’ Meeting provided researchers with “markers to track the future spread of SARS-CoV-2 from the event.” ..
The authors write that the study was conducted to help understand the role of “superspreader events in infection” for “prioritizing public health interventions.”
According to the report, the “cluster” of Biogen cases said, “The effects of this spread were long-lasting. By November 1, 2020, viruses containing (one cluster) could be found in 29 states. There is. “
Researchers in this report (more than 50 names) include studies from the Harvard Institute and MIT that help Massachusetts study COVID-19 to understand the near-stop transmission potential of the virus. Is included. Most of Harvard University and Boston’s major hospitals are also represented by buylines.
“A better understanding of infectious dynamics can contribute to a more targeted and effective response to a pandemic,” the author writes.
They add: “Reports of COVID-19 infections are characterized by clusters of assembly-related cases, including infections in workplaces and churches, especially in familiar living environments such as nursing homes and homeless shelters. These clusters are 1 It is believed that one individual is often accompanied by a superspreader that infects many other individuals, but the contribution of these events to regional and national infections is not well understood. “
The Biogen Conference caused a flood of employees seeking examinations at a nearby hospital a few days later, forcing the Boston Marriott Long Wharf Hotel to close immediately. The biogen pool of infected individuals has become the coveted data used in this science report.
In April, Biogen announced that it was contributing to the research.
“We are in a unique position to contribute to the advancement of COVID-19 science in a systematic and cautious manner, and we can better understand the virus,” said Biogen’s Chief Healthcare Officer. I am. Dr. Maha Radhakrishnan said in the release that announced the project in April.
As of Thursday, 1.58 million people worldwide have been infected with the virus and 69.5 million have been infected. According to Johns Hopkins University Virus tracker. Of these infections, 292,000 died in the United States. 15.6 million people are infected.
In Massachusetts 10,963 people died As of Thursday, 264,454 people have been infected.
Back in February, Biogen’s manager, who mixes in Long Wharf all day at meals and meetings, didn’t expect the sick person in the room to help light an unextinguished fire. .. They shared the eggs early and drank late, as uninvited guests polluted the entire case.
The study also investigated other Massachusetts clusters in Wilmington’s skilled nursing facility, killing 28 people. Homeless shelters affiliated with the Boston Healthcare for Homeless Program — some cases were associated with biogen outbreaks. At Massachusetts General Hospital.
According to researchers, take-out means that the virus is completely blown away early in its potency when travelers are unaware of the virus bombs they carry.
“In summary, this study provides clear evidence that superspreading events can significantly change the course of the epidemic, and prevention, detection, and mitigation of such events are priorities for public health efforts. It suggests that it should be, “warns the author.
If you are infected at a Biogen meeting, please send an email to [email protected].
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