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More wine and cheese may help reduce cognitive decline

More wine and cheese may help reduce cognitive decline
More wine and cheese may help reduce cognitive decline


The food we eat can directly affect our cognition in later years. This is an important discovery of research at Iowa State University, which is in the limelight in the article. Was published in Alzheimer’s Disease Journal..

The study was led by Principal Investigator Aurier Willette, Associate Professor of Food Science and Human Nutrition, and Brandon Klinedinst, Ph.D. in Neuroscience. Candidates to work in the Faculty of Food Science and Human Nutrition at Iowa State University. This study is the first large-scale analysis of its kind that links a particular food to cognition in later years.

Willette, Klinedinst and their team have collected data from 1,787 seniors in the UK (ages 46-77, at the end of the study) through UK Biobank, a large biomedical database and research resource that includes: Was analyzed. Detailed genetic and health information from 500,000 UK participants. This database is globally accessible to approved researchers conducting important research on the world’s most common and life-threatening illnesses.

Participants completed the Liquidity Intelligence Test (FIT) as part of a touchscreen questionnaire at baseline (edited between 2006 and 2010), followed by two follow-up assessments (2012-2013). And was completed between 2015 and 2016). FIT analysis provides an in-time snapshot of an individual’s ability to “think on the fly.”

Participants also answered questions about diet and alcohol consumption at baseline and through two follow-up assessments. In the food frequency questionnaire, participants were asked about fresh fruits, dried fruits, raw vegetables and salads, cooked vegetables, oily fish, lean fish, processed meat, chicken, beef, lamb, pork, cheese, bread, cereals, and tea. Asked about coffee intake. , Beer and cider, red wine, white wine and champagne and liqueur.

The four most important findings from this study are:

  1. Cheese has been shown to be by far the most protective food for age-related cognitive problems, even later in life.
  2. Daily consumption of alcohol, especially red wine, was associated with improved cognitive function.
  3. Weekly intake of lambs has been shown to improve long-term cognitive performance, not other lean meats.And
  4. Overdose of salt is bad, but only individuals who are already at risk for Alzheimer’s disease may need to monitor their intake to avoid long-term cognitive problems.

“Our results seem to be that responsibly eating cheese and drinking red wine daily not only helps to cope with the current COVID-19 pandemic, but never slows down. I’m happy to suggest that we can handle the increasingly complex world. “Willette said,” I took into account whether this was just due to the eating and drinking of wealthy people. , Random clinical trials are needed to determine if easy dietary changes can be of great help to the brain. “

“Depending on the genetic factors you have, some people appear to be more protected from the effects of Alzheimer’s disease, while others appear to be at greater risk,” said Klinedinst. That said, we believe that choosing the right food can prevent illness and cognitive decline. Perhaps the silver bullet we’re looking for is to improve our diet. What’s that? Knowing if it is accompanied by will help to better understand Alzheimer’s disease and put it on the opposite track. “

Reissued by courtesy of Iowa State University.


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