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WHO requires covid-19 surveillance data for all risk groups of vaccination


While establishing partnerships with other health programs and sectors for optimal vaccine delivery, countries have also experienced seasonal and pandemic influenza vaccination, rash, rubella, and Japanese encephalitis vaccination campaigns. Experience in adult vaccine delivery platforms should be leveraged to find efficacy, including how to reach eligible adults with the covid-19 vaccine.

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The Panel should further coordinate vaccination strategies in accordance with covid-19 precautions and plans developed for demand creation, community involvement and risk communication, with particular consideration for overcoming vaccine hesitation. Said. Countries should leverage the use of existing networks, including polio, to support the deployment of the covid-19 vaccine as needed.

A group of experts emphasized the need to assess the cold chain space available to all countries and carefully plan cold chain requirements, including necessary improvements in storage, inventory management, vaccine delivery strategies and waste management. Did.

The group of experts also provides rapid tracking of national deployment and vaccination planning, guidelines provided by the “Value Framework for Covid-19 Vaccine Allocation and Prioritization” and the “Prioritying Roadmap”. We have created a set of recommendations, including the application of. “Identify priority populations and ensure fairness in the delivery of the covid-19 vaccine, especially in the early stages when vaccine supply is expected to be restricted.

On Friday, WHO national regulators and vaccine manufacturers in the WHO Southeast Asia region discussed rapid tracking of the deployment of the covid-19 vaccine in member countries.

The meeting discussed the process and timeline for expediting the registration of covid-19 vaccine in the country using emergency use list procedures, while understanding the status of covid-19 vaccine production in the region.

Dr. Poonam Ketrapal Singh, Regional Director of WHO Southeast Asia, said: region.

Although it may be necessary to change the vaccine license system, she said it is essential to have standard operating procedures and a prescribed timeline for emergency licenses.

Regional directors emphasized effective coordination, collaboration and information sharing. From R & D to manufacturing, and from national readiness information to post-marketing surveillance, manufacturers, regulators, policy makers, and planners need to continue to work together to optimize and improve vaccine deployments. ..

Major global and regional partners such as Gavi and Unicef ​​attended the conference. Among vaccine manufacturers, from India, Bharat Biotech International Ltd, Biological E Ltd, Cadila Healthcare Ltd, Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd, Dr Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd, Wockhardt Ltd; from Indonesia, Bio Farma Ltd; from Thailand, Government Pharmaceutical Organization (GPO), Bionet Asia Co. Ltd, Siam Bioscience attended the conference.

Previously, WHO held a meeting of cold chain managers in Southeast Asian countries to assess cold chain needs, identify gaps and plan appropriate measures.

As India prepares for the covid-19 vaccination program, the total number of covid-19 cases on Friday increased to 9,797,065 and tolls increased to 1,42,335.

The number of new cases per day in the last 24 hours is 29,398. India’s current active case load consists of 3.71% of all positive cases in India.

At least 72.39% of new cases are concentrated in 10 states and UT. Kerala reported the highest daily new cases at 4,470. This is followed by 3,824 new cases in Maharashtra. At least 414 deaths have been reported in the last 24 hours. According to the Federal Ministry of Health, 10 states / UT account for 79.95% of new deaths.

The largest casualties in Maharashtra (70). The government said Delhi and West Bengal are killing 61 and 49 people daily, respectively.

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