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Three U.S. Local Governments Adopt Coronavirus Contact Tracking App


By Paresh Dave

Oakland, Calif., April 9 (Reuters)-Massachusetts Institute of Technology spokeswoman three U.S. organizations this week to first adopt location tracking app aimed at preventing new outbreaks of new coronaviruses The local government is going to sign a contract-a lead project said Thursday.

Associate professor at MIT, Ramesh Raskar, said in an email exchange that an additional 17 states and municipalities are considering bringing apps to the community within the next two weeks.

“These are nationwide and include some of the largest cities in the United States, to remote vacation communities trying to protect themselves,” he said.

Lasker rejected the designation of a state, county, or city approaching the agreement, but said that it was expected to encourage residents to voluntarily download an app called a private kit.

He described the expected deal as a “letter of intent” for collaboration, training and support.

He said two cities in Massachusetts are planning to compare the performance of the private kit with health authorities who require patients to remember recent contacts from memory.

“There are certain communities where a human-based approach can benefit, or where technology-enabled platforms offer greater efficiency and accuracy,” Lasker said.

Governments around the world are evaluating private kits or similar technologies and are intended to assist with labor-intensive contact tracking processes. Health officials should request a recent quarantine or test from someone recently diagnosed with a positive virus.

According to healthcare professionals, effective contact tracking needs to be undertaken before significant increases in home orders are hitting the global economy. After the successful use of the app-based system in some Asian countries, European countries have partnered with the Pan-European Privacy Protection Proximity Tracking Initiative.

But privacy issues and technical limitations are one of the hurdles that app-based systems face among Americans.

MIT researchers and co-workers have stated that private kits can record individual movements without compromising privacy. Their system relies on a Bluetooth signal called “chirp”, which is communicated between the private kit user’s phones.

Healthcare professionals ask coronavirus-positive users to anonymously announce their recent “chirp”. Private kit users who have a phone near the infected user and can register their phone chirp will be warned about possible exposure to coronavirus.

Researchers at Stanford University and the University of Southern California have developed location tracking apps, among others, and some projects have been designed to work with private kit apps. (Report by Paresh Dave, edited by Greg Mitchell and Richard Chang)


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