The combination of drugs improves the outcome of COVID-19 pneumonia.Five genes associated with severe illness
(Reuters)-The following is a summary of some of the latest scientific research on the new coronavirus and efforts to find cures and vaccines for the virus-induced disease COVID-19.
Two-drug combo improves COVID-19 pneumonia results
Gilead Sciences Inc’s antiviral remdesivir and EliLilly and Co arthritis drug baricitinib are more effective than remdesivir alone in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 of pneumonia, according to a clinical trial published Friday in the New England Journal of Medicine. It was a target. Overall, 515 patients who received baricitinib (sold under the brand name Olumiant) with remdesivir recovered in an average of 7 days, compared to 8 days for 518 patients who received remdesivir alone. People treated with both drugs also had fewer serious adverse events and were 30% more likely to show improved health after 2 weeks. In addition, the risk of death within 4 weeks of treatment was low, 5.1% compared to 7.8% for remdesivir alone. This effect was most pronounced among patients who required large amounts of additional oxygen but were not ill enough for the ventilator to breathe. In this group, mean time to recovery with dual-drug treatment was 10 days compared to 18 days with remdesivir alone. The authors of the study state that the pill baricitinib is a generally safe drug that does not interact with other drugs. ((()
Five genes associated with severe COVID-19
Scientists have associated the most severe forms of COVID-19 with five genes that affect lung inflammation and the body’s ability to fight the virus. Their findings from a study of 2,700 COVID-19 patients in intensive care units across the UK point to some existing drugs that can be reused to treat people at risk of becoming seriously ill. .. Genes called IFNAR2, TYK2, OAS1, DPP9, and CCR2 partially explain why some people desperately get sick with COVID-19 and others are unaffected, the University of Edinburgh said. Kenneth Bailey said he was a co-author of a study published in Nature on Friday. The new information should help scientists design clinical trials of medicines that target specific antiviral and anti-inflammatory pathways. Among the most likely ones should be a class of anti-inflammatory drugs called JAK inhibitors, including Eli Lilly’s arthritis drug baricitinib, which is known to help patients with pneumonia in the hospital in combination with Gilead’s remdesivir Bailey said. (((;
Online tools estimate COVID-19 mortality risk
The new online tool will help you estimate the risk of an individual dying from COVID-19, depending on where you live in the United States. This provides useful information about individuals who need to prioritize early immunization. Developed by researchers at Johns Hopkins University, the computer has a variety of factors, including age, race / ethnicity, socioeconomic status, underlying medical conditions such as obesity, diabetes, and cancer, and regional pandemic intensity. Incorporates an adult COVID-19 estimate of mortality risk. Currently, there is no built-in information about occupations that could increase risk, such as whether an individual is a front-line worker, said Nilanjan Chatterjee, the team that developed the calculator. Researchers reported on Friday at Nature Medicine that they found significant variability in risk across US cities and counties. “This information may help local policy makers understand the need for vaccine allocation to local communities,” Chatterjee said.Calculator is available at .. (((
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Report by Nancy Rapid and Kate Keland. Edited by Bill Berkrot
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