Michigan shows a list of people who get the COVID-19 vaccine first
State health officials plan to prioritize who will prioritize the new coronavirus vaccine on Friday, knowing that supply will be limited in the first weeks and months of Michigan’s 10 million people. I set it up.
Michigan will receive 84,825 COVID-19 vaccines as soon as Pfizer and its German-based partner BioNTech clear the final regulatory hurdles. ..
It approached that step when the US Food and Drug Administration granted Pfizer’s vaccine emergency license on Friday night. This should be recommended by an advisory board within the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention before it is distributed and injected into the arms of Americans.
“This is great news for our families, frontline workers, small businesses, and the economy. The COVID-19 vaccine is from Michigan,” Gretchen Whitmer said in a statement released Friday night. Manufactured by corporate Michigan workers. “
Many of Pfizer’s first 6.4 million doses distributed nationwide come from its Kalamazoo manufacturing plant and distribution center in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin.
In a statement released after the FDA, D-Michigan Senator Gary Peters said: Allowed emergency use of the vaccine.
“Today’s development is a bright light after a difficult year, but it will still take months before all Americans have widespread availability of the vaccine. This is one factor in controlling the pandemic. No wonder. Even if friends and family begin to get vaccinated, they will need to continue to use masks, social distance, contact tracing, and other means for the foreseeable future to stop the spread and save lives. “
The state’s chief health officer, Dr. Johnny Cardun, said the first shipment of Pfizer’s vaccine would reach 56 hospitals and 16 public health departments throughout the state, with the expectation of new vaccine shipments every week thereafter. Stated.
The goal is to vaccinate at least 70% (5.4 million people) of the state’s adult population within a year. Khaldun will use the Pfizer vaccine first when approved, and then add vaccines that also pass federal regulatory standards. To the market.
More:Michigan plans to receive 84,825 doses of Pfizer vaccine “within hours” of FDA approval.
More:Disinformation is already widespread as the COVID-19 vaccine approaches.
If biotechnology company Moderna is also granted an emergency permit for the COVID-19 vaccine next week, Michigan will receive 173,600 doses on its first shipment.
The welcome news comes as the pandemic rages across the United States and Michigan. Since March, state health officials Confirmed 426,294 cases of virus And 10,456 dead.
The strategy is to first vaccinate and then expand those who continue to operate the state’s critical medical infrastructure, including workers in hospitals, critical rooms and emergency medical services.
However, according to the Michigan State Health Hospital Association, there are 600,000 healthcare workers in the state, so even if vaccination is a top priority, some will be put on the front lines.
Khaldun explained the following details about how it works:
Phase 1A of the Michigan COVID-19 Vaccination Program
This includes people working in the medical setting who are directly exposed to patients and infectious substances, and people who live in long-term care facilities such as nursing homes and long-term care facilities.
Priority 1: Within that group, the first vaccinations in this phase are:
- Emergency medical service providers including medical first responders
- People working on the general medical floor
- Emergency department worker
- Intensive care unit employee
Priority 2: It is intended to prevent the outbreak of COVID-19 in long-term care facilities and includes workers in direct contact with many vulnerable residents, such as staff entering and exiting buildings and people living in such environments. .. The two groups are then vaccinated in the following order:
- Group A: Skilled care facilities, psychiatric hospitals, elderly housing with care, adult foster care facilities, care facilities, staff of home care workers who care for high-risk clients with a large number of patients.
- Group B: Skilled care facility residents, psychiatric hospital patients, and people living in foster care and care homes for the elderly.
Priority 3: It covers the three groups needed to maintain the required healthcare infrastructure functionality.
- Group A: Workers in direct contact with the patient who perform high-risk procedures such as dentists and endoscopy.
- Group B: Other workers in direct contact with the patient, including workers working in outpatient, emergency, outpatient and home care settings.
- Group C: Workers with indirect patient contact with specialized skills essential to the functioning of the healthcare system, such as those working in hospitals, public health laboratories and pharmacies.
Phase 1B of the Michigan COVID-19 Vaccination Program
In this phase, vaccination involves essential workers in other important industries with their own skill sets. Specifically, it will be deployed by vaccination of the following people.
- School and childcare staff from kindergarten to high school in direct contact with children.
- Workers in 16 sectors of critical infrastructure protection programs: chemicals, telecommunications, dams, emergency services, financial services, government facilities, information technology, transportation systems, energy, food and agriculture, healthcare and public health, nuclear reactors, materials and disposal Things, and water and wastewater systems.
- Homeless shelter staff. Correctional facilities including prisons, prisons and juvenile juvenile juvenile juveniles. Childcare facilities and adult and child protection services.
- Workers with unique skill sets not covered above, such as non-hospital laboratories and morgue services.
Phase 1C of the COVID-19 Vaccination Program in Michigan:
At this stage, people at high risk of serious illness or death from COVID-19 are vaccinated.
- Group A: Individuals over 65
- Group B: People over the age of 18 with COPD, high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and other health conditions at high risk of adverse consequences when infected with COVID-19.
Phase 2 of the Michigan COVID-19 Vaccination Program
This will launch a mass vaccination campaign for all adults, except pregnant women who are not advised to be vaccinated. For now, we recommend vaccination only for people over the age of 18, but Khaldun said it could be changed to include teens between the ages of 16 and 18.
“At all these stages, when one isn’t done yet and the other starts, there’s duplication,” Khaldun said. The timing between phases depends on the availability of the vaccine, the timing and amount of vaccine assigned to Michigan, and the ability to administer the vaccine to these different populations described.
“We hope to be able to start providing vaccines to the general public by the end of the spring of 2021.”
However, how quickly the state can proceed with this plan depends on the number and speed of vaccines available to the state.
“The end of the pandemic is approaching,” Khaldun said. “And we are working hard with state-wide partners to distribute the COVID vaccine when it becomes available.”
Contact Kristen Shamus: [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter @ kristenshamus.
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