The decision to curb selective surgery during a COVID surge can be a “catastrophic blow” for hospitals
Worcester — Dr. Eric W. Dixon, President and Chief Executive Officer of UMass Memorial Healthcare, said Charlie Baker that hospitals “reduce” non-essential selective treatment of inpatients as COVID-19 infections surge. He said he supported the Governor’s announcement.
“It’s a very difficult decision, it’s very difficult for a hospital … but it’s understandable,” Dixon said in a recent interview.
However, Dixon warned that selective procedures could further exacerbate the hospital’s already volatile financial position, as it is a major source of income.
“Many hospitals are just hanging after the second wave, and this could be a catastrophic blow,” he said.
Baker announced on Monday that the hospital will begin canceling or reschedule selective treatment of inpatients on Friday to free beds and staff for the treatment of COVID patients.
In guidance issued two days later, the State Public Health Service described these “non-essential selective invasive procedures” as “procedures do not involve first aid and delays do not adversely affect patient health. , A pre-scheduled procedure. ”
“Preventive services, pediatric care or vaccination, and necessary hospitalizations that, if postponed, lead to a high risk or serious deterioration of the patient’s condition must be continued and do not need to be canceled under this guidance “DPH said.
Canceling selective treatment of inpatients had no dramatic effect on the capacity of the UMass Memorial Medical Center, perhaps only about 5-10% of the bed was released, Dixon said.
“Looking at the actual number of beds this is going to open for us, it’s not many,” Dixon said. “We fill hospitals primarily through the emergency department, and those hospitalizations continue to flow.”
However, canceling the selective treatment of inpatients is not without its consequences.
Selective procedures make up the hospital’s main source of income. Cancellation of all such procedures and care of COVID patients in the spring has cornered the finances of many hospitals.
The hospital received a total of $ 175 billion in coronavirus aid, relief and financial security legislation to help with this loss of income and increased costs. According to a spokeswoman, UMass Memorial Healthcare received $ 178.9 million from the CARES Act as of September 30.
And even if Congress were to gather for another major bailout-which seems unlikely-Dixon predicted that UMHC would get a smaller slice of pie. He said the first wave of COVID was mainly concentrated in four northeastern states, including Massachusetts.
“Now everyone in the country is dealing with it,” Dixon said. “Even with a trillion dollar healthcare package, more money will be distributed this time.”
Similarly, canceling all selective treatments this spring, if less importantly, resulted in the patient postponing care. This is the decision that caused many illnesses.
“What we have learned through the first surge is that, despite our best intentions, the suspension of health care has had a negative impact on people’s health,” Dixon said.
That was a major concern at St. Vincent’s Hospital.
A spokesperson for St. Vincent’s Hospital said in a statement, “All urgent and essential procedures, along with other pre-scheduled hospitalization procedures, affect the patient’s health or worsen the underlying health. If there is a possibility of doing so, it will proceed according to the schedule. ” “We encourage the community not to delay the care of new or chronic conditions that may lead to life-threatening illnesses and take appropriate steps to continue to provide safe care. And implemented the protocol. ”
Dickson said he hopes Baker will not decide to cancel all selective procedures. But he was worried.
“The state seems to be heading for another closure,” Dixon said. “What can you justify keeping open if they have canceled the surgery?”
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