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Some winter tips for men to develop their own skin care routines


Along: Lifestyle desk | New Delhi |

December 13, 2020 11:30:24 am

Men's skin care routines, simple men's skin care routines, winter men's skin care routines, winter skin care routines for menThese simple tips will help you follow basic nonsense skin care routines. (Photo: AIX)

If you regularly keep up with skin care and beauty trends, you’ll know that the last few years have witnessed a boom in skin care and luxury grooming products for men.

“As more beauty brands include men in their conversations and the stigma of men’s beauty diminishes, this segment is becoming more sophisticated. According to Allied Market Research, clean, high-performance personal care products The market is expanding and is projected to reach $ 166 billion by 2022, “said Shankar Prasad, founder of Phy.

However, it is still difficult for men to build a skin care routine that suits them. I don’t know where to start. There is also this myth that men’s skin is thick and tough, so a radically different skin care system is needed. Prasad points out that structurally it is true, but the skin care needs of both men and women remain the same. “In fact, the higher collagen, larger pores, and more greasy skin that men have requires more frequent skin care than women. Still, women have a large multi-step routine every night. Although we pay close attention to this, the man who corresponds to this ritual is reaching for a face wash. “

Things to keep in mind when understanding your routine

Washing your face may be useful, but if your skin is prone to acne, choose a salicylic acid-based face wash. If you have dry skin, try a cream-based facial cleanser.

This winter season, you need a good moisturizer for your skin type. Here’s how to make your own choice:

It also adds Night Serum, which can meet skin care concerns such as extreme dryness, pigmentation, acne scars and scars.

As the temperature has dropped, it is “prone to sunburn and damage to the skin.” Sunscreen not only protects you from harmful UV rays, but also prevents premature aging and melanoma.

Many men also avoid the use of sunscreen because of its greasy feel. “The good news is that there are plenty of non-greasy, water resistant sunscreens. The thinnest possible layer works to protect you from the harsh effects of UV rays this winter,” Prasad concludes. I am.

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