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Oxford vaccine deployment “likely” by New Year | Meridian


Sara Gilbert, a senior researcher at the Oxford Vaccine Development Program, said the Oxford / AstraZeneca jabs are “quite likely” to be available by the end of the year.

When asked how many people needed to be vaccinated to return to normal life, she told the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show: Based on age and frontline healthcare professionals.

“And it will really have a big impact on the hospital’s ability to return to normal. It does not completely prevent infection, but it should prevent hospitalization and severe cases.

“And to further reduce that in the community, we need to increase the number of people vaccinated. Once the vaccine deployment is seen, we will be able to obtain data.”

Oxford vaccine “may be approved for use in the elderly”

Regarding the possibility of receiving an Oxford / AstraZeneca jab by the end of the year, she said: “It depends on the age group and the priority of JCVI (The Institute for Genomic Research and Immunization).

“I think it’s pretty likely. But we need multiple vaccines. Every country needs multiple vaccines, the world needs multiple vaccines, and if possible, different. I need a vaccine made using technology. “

She said this was due to a company that could delay the deployment of the vaccine if no other jab was available, and could have problems supplying raw materials when doses were produced. I did.

“Therefore, having multiple shots in the goal and putting multiple irons in the fire is what we really need,” she added.

Hospitals face extreme pressure in winter, even without Covid credit: PA

Her words are because the hospital boss warns Boris Johnson that deregulation could trigger a third wave of coronavirus during the busiest times for the hospital.

In a letter to the Prime Minister, NHS providers urged “extreme caution” as they moved to lower layers in any part of England.

The first review of the UK tier allocation will take place on Wednesday, two weeks after the introduction of the 3-tier system after the lockdown ends.

However, according to a letter from the NHS provider, the area should be moved to the top of the limit “if necessary, without delay”.

Covid cases across the UK are on the rise again credit: PA graphics

CEO Chris Hopson told the BBC: It will be held in late December, January and February. “

The letter did not call for a review of the temporary mitigation of measures during Christmas, but NHS providers say it is “extremely important” for the public to understand the risk of extra social contact during the festival. Stated.

The rules of social distance will be relaxed for five days from December 23rd to 27th, allowing families to embrace for the first time in months.

But on Saturday, public health expert Professor Linda Bold warned of relaxation. Coronavirus Limits during Christmas “Mistakes” that bring “results”, And urged people to meet others outside or “in a very modest way.”

Professor Bold said he was worried about people traveling from areas with high prevalence to parts of the country with low prevalence of the virus.

“From a public health perspective, I have to be completely honest. I think this is a mistake.

“I think people need to think carefully about whether they can see their loved ones outside or do it in a very modest way.

“I’m also worried about travel, moving people from high prevalence areas to low prevalence areas.

“I think it will bring results.”

A government spokesperson said the minister “does not hesitate to take the necessary actions to protect the community,” and said the decision will be based on the latest available data.

“We have introduced stricter regional regulations to protect the progress made during national regulation, reduce pressure on the NHS and ultimately save lives,” said a spokeswoman. Said.

“In addition to record NHS investments, this winter we will add £ 3bn to maintain the surge capacity of independent sectors and Nightingale Hospital, and provide an additional £ 450m to upgrade and expand A & E. I will. “

credit: PA

On Saturday, the government said another 519 people died within 28 days of a Covid-19-positive test in the UK, and another 21,502 cases of coronavirus were confirmed in the laboratory.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Health has pointed out that towns and villages are “isolated” from nearby coronavirus hotspots and therefore cannot raise their alert level.

According to The Daily Telegraph, Matt Hancock wrote in a letter to Congressman Tory that a “narrow curveout” in areas with low prevalence could lead to “catch up” or “overtake” areas at higher levels. I said there are many.

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