First COVID-19 death in St. Louis County | Free Press
According to the county, the first death in St. Louis county related to the coronavirus was reported Thursday by the Minnesota Department of Health on Thursday, with an increase of 33 cases of COVID-19. .
The confirmed deaths are associated with men in their early 70s. Information on additional deaths under investigation was not available.
“This is a very depressing day for us,” Amy Westbrook, head of the public health department in St. Louis County, said in a press release. “I knew to some extent that deaths from COVID-19 were likely to be seen here, and it was still miserable that it was confirmed, and our luck goes to the loved ones of these people is.”
St. Louis County reported 11 confirmed cases of coronavirus on Wednesday, the highest daily increase in cases. The five new cases on Thursday in the county include four women and a man in his mid-80s, ages from the mid-70s to mid-80s. Some of these cases are related to St. Ann’s Residence in Duluth, which accounts for a “large percentage” of previously reported cases.
A Star Tribune citing Scott Johnson, Executive Director of St. Anne, reported that the three deaths were residents of a welfare facility with a total of 17 cases and five hospitalizations. St. Ann’s has a total of 138 inhabitants.
“They went to the hospital for unrelated events and had olfactory impairment,” Johnson told the Star Tribune. “The virus hits right away … I’m scared from” I’m fine “to” I’m not fine “”
Mesabi Daily News was able to independently verify the report at the time of the press.
Minnesota had the highest total number of cases per day on Thursday for the second consecutive day. The number of cases has increased from 88 to 1,242, and the total number of deaths has jumped from 39 to 50.
The first coronavirus case in the county was reported on March 21 and ages 20 to 90. County and state health authorities do not disclose the exact location of patients for privacy reasons. Part of the county.
At a virtual press conference with reporters, local healthcare professionals said they were preparing for the worst case scenario in St. Louis County. According to St. Luke’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Nick Van Dylan, ventilators are one of the biggest challenges of a hospital network, with a lack of supply lines and a waiting period of at least four weeks for equipment to arrive. Pointed out.
Although St. Louis County has 179 ICU beds, the exact location of the beds in the 6,860 square mile county remains unknown. The number of beds and ventilation available is not provided.
“I don’t know when the peaks will occur and I don’t know how many people will be at the ICU and need ventilation,” said Dr. John Prior, President of Essentia Health’s East Market. Press conference. “I don’t have the number I need. I want to be prepared for the worst.”
Both Essencia Health and St. Luke in Duluth said they would purchase 33 and 16 respirators, respectively, using a $ 3 million portion from the MDH approved by the Congress to fight the coronavirus Was. The 33 purchased by Essentia costs $ 1 million.
Of all Minnesota cases, 375 in Hennepin County and 25 deaths were reported. There are two cases in Itasca County surrounding St. Louis County. One is Couchi Chin County and the other is Carlton County.
State officials have reported 32,294 tests between the state and private laboratories, but none of those seeking the test are able to take the test due to lack. The MDH said that out of 1,242 positive cases of COVID-19, 675 were not isolated, 145 were currently hospitalized, and 63 were currently in the ICU.
“We know that the cases identified in the test are just the tip of the iceberg,” said Health Commissioner Jan Malcom during a Wednesday meeting.
The new coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms in most people, but some people, especially the elderly and those with existing health problems, can cause more serious illness or death There is.
If you have any questions about whether symptoms need to be identified or tested, call 1-833-494-0836 at Essentia Health or 218-249-4200 at St. Luke’s.
Nonclinical questions, such as precautionary measures or travel-related questions, can be sent to the St. Louis County Public Health Information Line (218-625-3600) or the Minnesota Department of Health (651-201-3920).
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