The COVID-19 vaccine heads to California as the Western State Medical Commission confirms its safety and efficacy.
A group of medical professionals convened by the western states confirmed that Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine was publicly safe and shipped to California, Governor Governor Governor Gavin Newsam’s office said on Sunday. Announced in.
Western Province Scientific Safety Review Workgroup. Washington, Oregon, NevadaIs a panel of experts set up by California to ensure the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine. On Sunday, the Panel confirmed that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine was safe and effective, and provided their recommendations to the Governor on Sunday.
The Panel worked independently with federal authorities to review the actions of the Federal Pharmacy in connection with COVID-19 vaccination. This is what the authorities approved for emergency use on Friday.
With a record number of cases and reduced capacity in the intensive care unit, more than 325,000 COVID-19 vaccines are heading to California on Sunday.
Vaccines are stored in ultra-low temperature freezers (approximately 94 degrees below freezing) at the University of California, Davis and elsewhere in the state.
First shipment of Pfizer vaccine Leaving Michigan at the beginning of Sunday To 145 distribution centers nationwide. The state is vaccinated based on the adult population, with additional shipments planned this week.
Vaccines are heading to hospitals and other locations across the country where they can be stored at extremely low temperatures. Pfizer uses containers with dry ice and GPS-enabled sensors to keep each cargo cooler than the Antarctic weather.
California reported a record date for newly identified COVID-19 cases on Saturday, but the county has specific quotas, state health authorities have adequate storage capacity, and are at high risk. Ability to serve the medical population and quickly immunize people.
The first phase of distribution focuses on healthcare professionals and residents of long-term care facilities.
The vaccine should be given twice in 3 weeks. State officials said..
Focusing on the decline in ICU capacity in the state Called Newsom FDA approval of the vaccine is a “tremendous step.”
“California continues to fight the surge, so we know that vaccine hopes are approaching,” Newsom said in a statement on Sunday. “To end this pandemic and help move towards a gradual distribution of vaccines throughout the state, we call on all Californians to continue their role.”
Governor Kate Brown of Oregon said her state residents “some of the best doctors, scientists and immunologists in the world have reviewed the data and confirmed that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is safe and effective. I did, “he said with confidence.
Washington Governor Jay Inslee said: “It was important for the Western states to independently review the safety and efficacy of the vaccine before it began to be administered to US citizens.”
Vaccines are being delivered as the holiday season goes well and the situation becomes even more dire day by day across the country and in California.
Public health officials are begging the public to stay home as much as possible, ignoring preventative measures that people gather for vacations, and are already expecting infection rates to skyrocket and hospitalizations to continue to increase. It has been.
“This is a very difficult time,” said Barbara Ferrer, director of public health in Los Angeles County, on Saturday. Deaths have increased by 416% across the county in the past month and hospitalizations have increased by 303% in the last 30 days.
“Hospitals are stressed, filled with hundreds of new COVID-19-positive patients every day, health care workers are exhausted, and deaths are at record highs,” Ferrer said on Saturday. Told. “The actions taken by each of us continue to create and destroy our collective ability to prevent the possibility of many people becoming infected, seriously ill and dying from COVID-19. ”
On Saturday, state health officials announced another nasty milestone in the Central Valley. There, the capacity of the remaining emergency room reached 0%.
The remaining capacity of the Southern California ICU was reduced to only 5.3% as authorities predicted that cases would increase for days among people infected during Thanksgiving.
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