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Immune system “friendly fire” can cause long covids, Yale University study found

Immune system “friendly fire” can cause long covids, Yale University study found


According to a Yale University study, “friendly fire” in the immune system can cause long Covids because antibodies mistakenly target organs and tissues rather than coronaviruses.

Researchers in the United States have found that the blood of patients with Covid-19 contains a number of false antibodies that target organs, tissues, and the immune system itself, rather than the invading virus.

This can explain why there are victims of illness Develop so-called long covidContinuation of medical problems weeks after the first attack of Covid-19 was defeated.

Scientists tested 194 patients and medical staff to determine the levels of autoantibodies produced in response to the virus.

According to the Guardian, antibodies nullify the virus by latching on proteins on the surface of the virus, but autoantibodies are malformed and incorrectly bind to proteins that are on or released by human cells. To do.

Aaron Ring, an immunobiologist at Yale University and senior author of the study, said: “Covid-19 patients make autoantibodies that actually interfere with the immune response to the virus.

“Antibodies can last for a long time, so it is possible that they may contribute to the development of Longcovid’s disease.

“Post-covid syndrome can be caused by long-lived autoantibodies that persist even after the virus has been removed from the body.”

The more autoantibodies in a patient’s blood, the more researchers found that antiviral protection was blocked, causing damage to the brain, blood vessels, liver, and other parts of the body.

Some patients have produced autoantibodies that target B cells, which are cell factories that produce antibodies to fight the virus.

One patient was found to have autoantibodies that targeted the body’s protective T cells.

Although the study has not yet been peer-reviewed or published in scientific journals, the authors suggest that Covid-19 is exacerbated by the development of many different and nasty antibodies in the same patient.

Compared to 30 virus-free healthy hospital workers, Mr. Ring and Akiko Iwasaki, a professor of immunobiology at Yale University, said Covid patients had a “dramatic increase in autoantibody responsiveness.” I found that there is.

They found that certain autoantibodies were clearly present in some patients prior to Covid-19 infection, while others appeared and increased in number as the disease progressed.

The results of this study showed that more than 5% of hospitalized patients have autoantibodies that weaken an important part of the immune defense.

These patients developed a more serious illness because they could not control the amount of virus in their bodies.

Patients with Covid-19 were found to have more antibodies than people with lupus, an autoimmune disease also caused by dysfunctional antibodies.

Symptoms such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis have long been known to be caused by immune system dysfunction and attacks on the body. However, little is known about their ability to elicit viral infections and autoimmune responses.

Longcovid is thought to affect about 10% of people between the ages of 18 and 49, doubling that number over the age of 70.


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