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Frontline Houston Healthcare Workers Preparing for COVID-19 Vaccination

Frontline Houston Healthcare Workers Preparing for COVID-19 Vaccination
Frontline Houston Healthcare Workers Preparing for COVID-19 Vaccination


Nine months after the pandemic, the moment came when hospitals in the Houston area received the first shipment of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. The long-awaited shipment of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine will depart from the Michigan facility on Sunday and arrive at 145 distribution centers on Monday.

Vaccine deployment did not arrive immediately as the United States plans to record the 300,000th death from COVID-19 this week. According to Johns Hopkins University.

MD Anderson in Houston was the first local hospital to receive the vaccine on Monday morning, the hospital said in a statement.

“The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center received a COVID-19 vaccine earlier this morning. MD Anderson’s first vaccination clinic will take care of patients with weakened immunity and those at high risk of occupational exposure. Safely and efficiently vaccinate healthcare professionals. The clinic is scheduled to begin Wednesday, December 16th, giving employees time to become accustomed to the new information available after emergency approval. . “

Approximately 19,500 doses of Pfizer’s vaccine arrived on Monday at four Texas hospitals, including the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, the Methodist Dallas Medical Center, the Dell Medical School in UT Health Austin, and the Wellness 360 UT Health San Antonio. According to TDHS. At other Houston regional hospitals, 75,075 doses arrive at 18 additional centers on Tuesday. According to TDHS.

Texas Vaccines: Inoculate the first FDA-approved vaccine, according to COVID-19 experts

According to Dr. David Calendar, CEO of Memorial Herman Healthcare, the hospital system will receive 16,575 Pfizer vaccines, the first of which will arrive on Tuesday.

“Now we need a light at the end of the tunnel,” the calendar said. “And it’s great that vaccines serve as the light we can see now.”

There is 21 hospitals in Harris CountyThere are four in Montgomery, one in Galveston and one in Fort Bend, and they are selected to be vaccinated. TDHS.

As of Monday, hundreds of Memorial Hermann Healthcare healthcare professionals have already signed up to receive new vaccines every 15 minutes, according to Yancey.

“I’m literally happier than a year ago,” said Linda Yancey, an infectious disease expert at Memorial Hermann Healthcare. “I’m very excited about this. They started registering shots over the weekend.”

For administration, the vaccine will take 30 minutes to thaw, but should be stored at a low temperature.

“One of the questions I keep getting is,” When they inject me, will it be a negative 80 degrees? ” Absolutely not. Once inside you, the temperature will be comfortable, “Yancey said. “You have a small shot on your arm and you’re done.”

224,250 doses will be shipped to 109 hospitals in 34 counties throughout the state. To TDHS..

According to Yancey, both Pfizer and Moderna vaccines require booster shots. The Pfizer vaccine will require a booster in 21 days, and the Moderna vaccine will require a booster in 28 days.

“We’ve been planning this fiercely for the past few weeks. As soon as we get the vaccine, we’re ready to put it into action,” Yancey said.

Yancey also added that the hospital did not get information about Texas when the general public would be vaccinated.

“This vaccine is good at preventing systemic diseases and reduces infectivity, but it still requires closer social distance. You need to wear a mask,” said Yancey. “Nevertheless, this is the first non-alloy good news I’ve had for a long time.”

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