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Cincinnati’s front-line healthcare professionals get the first COVID-19 vaccine

Cincinnati’s front-line healthcare professionals get the first COVID-19 vaccine
Cincinnati’s front-line healthcare professionals get the first COVID-19 vaccine


UC Health made its first dose of COVID-19 vaccine on Monday, recording a historic moment in the fight against the coronavirus. The first COVID-19 vaccine shipment arrived in Ohio on Monday, and UC Health was one of the first healthcare systems. Receive the vaccine. Initially, it was expected to ship about 3 million times nationwide. The health care system received a box of 975 doses of Pfizer vaccine, according to UC Health officials. Authorities said front-line healthcare workers interacting with COVID-19 patients at the UC Medical Center, West Chester Hospital, and Daniel Drake Center for Post-Acute Care were the first to be vaccinated. “This is a historic moment for our community, our region and our country,” said Dr. Richard P. Lofgren, President and CEO of UC Health. “From the beginning, UC and UC Health have been involved in the discovery of treatments as clinical trial sites, and hospital healthcare professionals have been at the forefront of the fight against COVID-19 for over nine months. We are proud to be selected as one of the first vaccinated medical systems. “The first vaccinated in Cincinnati was Katie Walz, a register donor working at the Cardiovascular ICU at UC Medical Center. “I wanted to play my part in reducing the spread of COVID-19,” said Walz. “Many people are suffering and dying from COVID-19 this year. I want to do as much as I can. Delay the process and others to show that the vaccine is safe and worth getting. To be an example. ”Walz and her colleagues on the inpatient extracorporeal oxygenation team at the UC Medical Center were first offered the vaccine. ECMO is a device that provides short-term life support for patients with heart, lung, or both disorders, according to health officials, and UC Health’s ECMO team is the most severe COVID-19 in southwestern Ohio. We have provided advanced care to patients. According to doctors, nurses and technician health authorities, ns and other critical support service staff will continue to be vaccinated throughout the week. In the coming weeks and months, UC Health will receive additional shipments of vaccines to serve more front-line healthcare professionals, according to DeWine. On Tuesday, eight other Ohio hospitals will also receive 975 doses of Pfizer vaccine. It’s part of what Ohio Governor Mike DeWine called “Phase 1A” of the vaccine distribution program. The following are vaccinated in the first phase: Healthcare providers and COVID-19 personnel who are routinely involved in the care of patients Nursing residents and staff Facility support Living facility residents and staff Ohio veteran home residents and staff Mental hospital patients Staff People with intellectual disabilities and people with mental illness living in group homes and their staff EMS Responder On December 22, DeWine said it expects to ship 201,000 vaccines from Modana. These go to 98 hospitals and 108 health departments. Hospitals immunize people who treat COVID patients. The health sector immunizes people like EMS and other important workers. Also on December 22, the Governor said he was expecting another shipment from Pfizer. The provisional number of vaccines shipped in this shipment is 123,000. These will be sent to Walgreens and CVS Pharmacy for vaccination of people in the medical facility. A few days later, Ohio will get an additional 148,000 vaccines from Pfizer and 89,000 vaccines from Modana. It was laid out in the first phase of the vaccination process, but this is the beginning. As supply increases, Ohio will move to Phases 2, 3, and 4, allowing more Ohio residents to be vaccinated. Ohio will move once to Phase 2. According to DeWine and the Ohio Public Health Service, vaccines are more available to certain other important populations who choose to be vaccinated. When the vaccine becomes widely available in Ohio, the state will move to Phases 3 and 4. DeWine said that if Ohio chooses to be vaccinated, the state will continue to be vaccinated strategically. For more information on Ohio’s plans, please visit

UC Health made its first dose of COVID-19 vaccine on Monday, marking a historic moment in the fight against the coronavirus.

The first COVID-19 vaccine shipment arrived in Ohio on Monday, and UC Health was one of the first medical systems to receive the vaccine.

Initially, it was expected to ship about 3 million times nationwide.

The health care system received a box of 975 doses of Pfizer vaccine, according to UC Health officials. Authorities said front-line healthcare workers interacting with COVID-19 patients at the UC Medical Center, West Chester Hospital, and Daniel Drake Center for Post-Acute Care were the first to be vaccinated.

“This is a historic moment for our community, our region and our country,” said Dr. Richard P. Lofgren, President and CEO of UC Health. “From the beginning, UC and UC Health have participated in the discovery of treatments as clinical trial sites, and hospital healthcare professionals have been at the forefront of the fight against COVID-19 for over nine months. We are proud to be selected as one of the first vaccinated medical systems. “

The first vaccination in Cincinnati was Katie Walz, a registered nurse working in the cardiovascular ICU at the UC Medical Center.

“I wanted to be able to play my part in reducing the COVID-19 epidemic,” Walz said. “I’ve seen many people suffer and die from COVID-19 this year. I want to do everything I can to delay the process and show that the vaccine is safe and worth getting. think. “

A colleague of the extracorporeal membrane oxygenation team of inpatients at Walz and the UC Medical Center was one of the first to receive the vaccine. Health officials say the ECMO is a device that provides short-term life support for patients with heart, lung, or both disorders. UC Health’s ECMO team has provided advanced care to the most severe COVID-19 patients in southwestern Ohio.

Front-line health care workers, including doctors, nurses, technicians and other critical support service staff, will continue to be vaccinated throughout the week, health officials said.

In the coming weeks and months, UC Health will receive additional shipments of vaccines to accommodate more front-line healthcare professionals.

On Tuesday, eight other Ohio hospitals will also be vaccinated with 975 doses of Pfizer vaccine, Dewin said.

Vaccination is part of what Ohio Governor Mike DeWine called “Phase 1A” of the vaccine distribution program.

The following people will be vaccinated in the first phase:

  • Healthcare providers and staff routinely involved in the care of COVID-19 patients
  • Residents / staff of nursing homes
  • Assisted Living Facility Residents and Staff
  • Ohio Veterans Home Residents and Staff
  • Psychiatric hospital patients and staff
  • People with intellectual disabilities and people with mental disabilities living in group homes and their staff
  • EMS responder

On December 22, DeWine said it expects to ship 201,000 vaccines from Moderna. These go to 98 hospitals and 108 health departments. Hospitals immunize people who treat COVID patients. The health sector immunizes people like EMS and other essential workers.

Also on December 22, the governor said the state was expecting another shipment from Pfizer. The provisional number of vaccines shipped in this shipment is 123,000. These go to Walgreens and CVS pharmacies and are vaccinated against people in collective health facilities.

A few days later, Ohio will get an additional 148,000 vaccines from Pfizer and 89,000 vaccines from Moderna.

DeWine acknowledged that these shipments were not enough to cover individuals placed in the first phase of the vaccination process-but that’s the beginning.

As supply increases, Ohio will move to Phases 2, 3, and 4 to allow more Ohio residents to be vaccinated.

According to DeWine and the Ohio Public Health Service, Ohio will move to Phase 2 when the vaccine becomes available to certain other critical populations who have opted for vaccination.

When the vaccine becomes widely available to Ohio citizens, the state will move to Phases 3 and 4. Dewin said the state would continue to strategically vaccinate if Ohio residents choose to be vaccinated.

For more information on Ohio’s plans, visit

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