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Why you need a face mask even if you get the Covid-19 vaccine

Why you need a face mask even if you get the Covid-19 vaccine


These developments represent historic moments and have a lot of potential, but that doesn’t mean that Americans can stop wearing masks at any time. Dr. Linawen, a CNN medical analyst and emergency physician and visiting professor at the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health, explains why.

CNN: Does the vaccine prevent people from getting infected with Covid-19? If so, why do I still have to wear a mask?

Wen: This is a good question! It is important to clarify what we know and what we do not know about what the vaccine does. What we know is that Pfizer vaccines are very effective in preventing symptomatological and severe illnesses. In short, vaccines appear to prevent people from getting sick enough to develop symptoms. And very important is to prevent people from getting seriously ill and going to the hospital. This is really great news.

This is what research has not yet shown. They haven’t seen if the vaccine would prevent someone from carrying Covid-19 and spreading it to others. Someone may be vaccinated, but they may still be asymptomatic carriers. You may not have any symptoms, but because of the virus in your nasal passages, talking, breathing, and sneezing can infect others.

This is the main reason why you cannot stop wearing a mask immediately after vaccination. Vaccines prevent you from getting sick and hospitalized. However, it can still carry the virus and spread to others. Therefore, the vaccinated person should wear a mask and practice physical distance.

CNN: Does that mean you need to wear a mask in public now?

Wen: No, it’s not forever, but for a while. It is estimated that about 70% of Americans must be vaccinated before they can obtain herd immunity through vaccination. That is the point where enough people have immune protection to prevent the virus from spreading any further.

Follow the new CDC guidelines and choose the best mask to protect you and others

This means that about 230 million Americans have to be vaccinated. It takes time to produce so many vaccines. Keep in mind that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are two-dose vaccines, so you need twice as many doses as you would. Next, you need to distribute the vaccine and actually administer it to people. The best estimate is that if all goes well, most Americans will be vaccinated in late spring or early summer. At that point we could probably see each other without a mask, but previously it wasn’t.

CNN: Can you speed up this timeline?

Wen: Already, vaccine development is progressing at an incredible rate. The fastest vaccine developed before this pandemic was four years. Currently, licensed vaccines are available within a year.

How quickly you reach herd immunity depends on production, distribution, and the willingness of Americans to vaccinate. Many Americans are concerned that they may not take the vaccine, even if it is available. We need to carry out thoughtful public education campaigns tailored to different communities.

And we need everyone’s help! When it’s your turn, get the vaccine. Help spread the word, save lives and convince family and friends about the importance of vaccines to end this pandemic.

CNN: What about people who can’t get the vaccine? Do they need to keep wearing masks?

Wen: For now, everyone needs to keep wearing the mask. Few people can get the vaccine. Initially, the vaccine has not yet been tested in children, so children cannot be vaccinated. It is also possible that certain people may not be vaccinated or have a medical condition that reduces the effectiveness of the vaccine. That is why the rest of us have to be vaccinated to protect them. Herd immunity is also called community immunity. The community is vaccinated to protect everyone.

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That’s why we continue to wear masks. We do it to protect ourselves and to protect others. Remember that you can spread the virus to others even after you have been vaccinated. Vaccines are also very effective, but not 100%. The mask still protects you.

CNN: Will you continue to wear the mask after vaccination?

Wen: Yes. I do it to protect others, and to protect myself. There is another way to think about the importance of wearing a mask. If the virus reaches your nose and mouth, the vaccine will protect you. Your body senses the virus, and instead of the virus attacking your body, your body’s immune system begins to work and removes the virus.

It is very important to prevent the virus from reaching your body in the first place. Wearing a mask does that. So is the physical distance. These are very important measures to prevent you from getting infected with the coronavirus and infecting others.

You will certainly see wearing a mask among healthcare professionals who will be one of the first groups to receive the vaccine. Vaccines are one of the important protective layers for us, but we use these other means to protect ourselves and those around us.

CNN: The vaccine wasn’t coming soon because of the record high number of Covid cases in the United States. But it seems that most people aren’t directly enjoying the benefits of this first deployment, as only a small part of the US population is starting to get vaccinated, right?

Wen: definitely. It’s really amazing to have a vaccine that is 95% effective and seems to be very safe. We will be able to put an end to the pandemic. However, this takes time. The initial allocation of vaccines reaches just over 1% of the population. It takes time to scale up to 70%.

We need to keep up with the precautions we have all talked about: wear a mask. Keep a physical distance. Avoid indoor gatherings. wash hands.

I’ll add another one. Get the vaccine when it’s your turn. We can survive this winter and spring and summer are very promising.


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