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More than 7,200 cases of coronavirus in MI in the last 2 days

More than 7,200 cases of coronavirus in MI in the last 2 days


Grand Rapids, Michigan (WOOD) —Michigan identified 7,205 cases of coronavirus and recorded 90 deaths associated with it.

The· Numbers released on MondayThe total number of confirmed cases in Michigan is because it contains data for two days. 437,985 Since the virus was first detected in the state in March, 10,752 deaths have been associated with it.

On Saturday, a Michigan laboratory tested 43,948 samples of the virus, positive for 4,308, a percentage of 9.8%. On Sunday, 43,930 samples were tested, with 4,662 positive, a percentage of 10.61%.

The number of positive tests is not the same as the number of new cases, as a person can be tested multiple times. In addition, the number of tests is from a single calendar day, but the number of new cases shows an increase since the state last compiled the data. These two time frames do not exactly match.

Kent County has confirmed an additional 541 cases, for a total of 37,569 cases, since the outbreak began. In addition, a total of 437 deaths were recorded, three more.

Several other Western Michigan counties also recorded more deaths.

  • Allegan County: A total of 36 people died. A total of 4,652 confirmed cases since the start of the outbreak.
  • Berrien County: 139 in total and another dead: 7,896 in total.
  • Calhoun County: A total of 145 people killed four more. A total of 6,297 cases.
  • Kalamazoo County: A total of 189 people died. A total of 9,647 cases.
  • Montcalm County: 44 people in total, 4 more dead. A total of 2,650 cases.
  • Muskegon County: 220 people in total, 5 more dead. A total of 8,482 cases.
  • Oceana County: A total of 32 people died. A total of 1,435 cases.
  • Ottawa County: A total of 195 people died, three more. A total of 15,820 cases.

In Wayne County, where the virus was most affected, another 14 people have died since March, a total of 3,243 people have died, an increase of 944 people, and a total of 71,929 people have been identified. There were 48,821 cases in the neighboring Oakland County (more than 642 cases since then). Saturday update) And 1,416 deaths (two more). There were 43,347 (more than 583) and 1,366 (more than 8) deaths in Macomb County.

School-related outbreaks

The state is tracking 218 outbreaks related to schools, colleges, or colleges from kindergarten to high school. last week.. Overall numbers have declined since high schools and colleges were asked to move online nearly four weeks ago.

The· List of states of such outbreaksWas updated once a week on Monday and included some elementary schools that had just been added, all less than 10.

The largest outbreaks at K-12 School occurred at Rockford High School and the Freshman Center and were added to the list in early October, including 79 students and staff.

Universities continue to have the largest numbers. Michigan State University has recorded approximately 2,274 cases related to off-campus housing. Grand Valley State University has grown to 1,101 since it was added to the list in mid-September. The University of Michigan has had 445 cases in the last 28 days.

Overall trend

In Michigan, the spread of the virus seems to be slower than in recent weeks or months. Average case rate per million people per day decline. The rate of daily positive tests on rugged plateaus remains more than four times higher than the 3% threshold, which public health officials say indicates that community expansion is curtailed.

Throughout the state, as of Monday, 3,777 adult inpatients It is suspected to be a virus or has been confirmed to be infected with a virus.Grand Rapids Base Spectrum health He said there were 263 COVID-19 inpatients throughout the hospital system. The numbers have been declining for about two weeks both throughout the state and within the spectrum.

The daily death toll remains high, exceeding 100 on a daily basis. This is a delayed indicator of the number of cases and improvement after admission.

Good news: Vaccines are being deployed.. Spectrum Health said it was the first hospital in the state to receive its first shipment on Monday morning and to give five injections shortly after noon. Larger vaccination efforts will begin on Tuesday.

Michigan Medicine tweeted on Monday morning that it had nearly 2,000 first shipments. Bronson Healthcare said the first shipment would arrive within a few days and begin giving workers shots within 36 hours.

Throughout the state, the first dose goes to Health care workers And people in nursing homes.

Still, It will take some time before the vaccine becomes widely available And so far, the number of cases remains high. In response, the Kent County Health Department and Spectrum are urging people not to travel or gather outside their families during their December vacation to limit their spread.

“People have greatly helped by celebrating Thanksgiving solely with people in their immediate households,” said Kim Hyun, president of Mercy Health St. Mary, in a statement from the Ministry of Health. “Infection, hospitalization and mortality are still high, so I hope people will remain strong on their next vacation and not get together with people outside their immediate homes. We are clearly from COVID. It’s far from it. “

“We are making progress, but we need to continue to reduce positive rates and work together to reduce the spread and burden of hospitals and healthcare professionals,” said Dr. Darryl Elmouchi, president of Spectrum Health West Michiagn. I will. “We keep this moving in the right direction by not traveling or gathering with people outside our immediate family.”

Public health officials also continue to encourage people to wash their hands frequently, reduce social distance, and wear masks when they are around others.

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