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COVID-19: Need to worry about animals?


In this interview, Berhe Tekola, Director of Animal Health and Production at FAO, sets a record for COVID-19 eating food from pets, livestock, and animals. He also explained what organizations are doing to create better understanding and awareness, and reduced the impact of COVID-19 on people, animals and the environment.

Can animals spread COVID-19 to humans?

All known human cases of the COVID-19 pandemic are due to direct or indirect contact between humans. There is no evidence yet that animals (livestock and pets) or animal products may spread COVID-19 to humans. Investigation into the possible role of animals in the current COVID-19 pandemic is ongoing.

Most of the viruses of the Coronaviridae originate in animals, and many origin in bat populations. However, the SARs-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19 disease, is a new virus. To date, all known cases of COVID-19 are due to direct or indirect contact between humans.

How about interacting with animals? Does it threaten people?

There is no evidence that pets, livestock, fish, poultry or draft animals can transmit COVID-19 to humans.

This, very simply, means that pets, draft animals and livestock can be raised, raised, maintained and cared for safely.

Nevertheless, there are no specific COVID-19 precautions to be taken when interacting with animals, but as a general principle, it is best to always practice good hygiene and adhere to biosecurity measures . This means washing the hands with soap and water after touching the animal, or cleaning and disinfecting farm equipment and equipment.

We also urge all people (countries, institutions, organizations, companies) to treat animals with the utmost respect and to implement internationally accepted animal welfare standards. You. Misleading information about the role of animals in the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread. That’s why it’s so important that everyone gets enough information and continues to treat animals humanely. There is no justification for animal abandonment, rejection, abuse, or killing due to concerns about COVID-19.

Also, FAO does not recommend regular testing of animals for this virus. However, conditions are constantly changing and public and animal health personnel should exercise due care and test certain animals with symptoms and known contact with people with COVID-19. May be determined.

What about the opposite? Are animals at risk for people infected with the virus?

Animals can be exposed to viruses from infected humans that show or do not show symptoms.

If you have no symptoms, wash your hands with soap and water before and after contact with animals and clean properly after livestock.

If you have symptoms of a respiratory illness or are known to be infected with the virus: Limit contact with animals during the illness, just like any other person. If possible, ask another member of your family to take care of household animals. If you need to take care of the animal yourself, wear a mask and wash your hands before and after interacting with the animal (treating the animal and its food).

What about animal trading? Are there any risks?

There is no evidence to suggest that livestock and animals in general, such as fish, animal products, and agricultural products, whether imported or not, may spread COVID-19. They play no role in the transmission of COVID-19 to humans, thus limiting the trade and movement of animals and their products unless humans are traveling with animals and humans have no restrictions on domestic travel. I do not have a reason. .

Is it safe to eat foods of animal origin?

The important thing to remember is that you can’t get infected, consume, buy, sell, or trade with COVID-19, but always keep good hygiene and food safety measures in place is needed.

There are no known human examples of COVID-19 that may be relevant to all types of food, including meat, fish, wildlife, legumes, cereals, fruits, and vegetable products.

Equally important – following strict environmental, personal hygiene and food safety measures to prevent cross-contamination will control any foodborne illness, ensure food safety and, overall, reduce the incidence or reemergence of the disease. The key to reducing the potential.

Regardless of COVID-19, are there general recommendations for those who treat animals to produce food, or when preparing food of animal origin?

Here are some general recommendations on how to properly and reliably treat foods of animal origin Food safety:

● Thoroughly cook meat and other animal products. This includes frozen meat where the virus can be stored at -20 ° C for up to 2 years.oC.

● Avoid eating raw and undercooked foods (meat, eggs, milk) of animal origin to reduce exposure to all viruses and other foodborne pathogens.

● Before and after cooking, meat should always be stored in a way that cannot contaminate other foods or recontaminate after cooking.

● Keep the environment and all equipment, tools and surfaces clean.

o Virus from contaminated products can infect up to 9 days when contacting an object or surface.

o Most viruses, including coronaviruses, can be destroyed and removed using the most common disinfectants and disinfectants used in food processing.

● Personal hygiene is essential to food safety, and sick people should avoid handling food.

o Good hygiene practices are especially important when dealing with fresh foods that can be consumed raw, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, and ready-to-use foods that are consumed without further heat treatment.

● Do not eat raw wild meat or uncooked dishes based on the blood of wild animals.

Appropriate slaughter techniques are required to minimize food safety risks.

● A damp market where live animals are bred, slaughtered and dressed poses certain risks for transmission of the pathogen to both workers and customers. These areas should be cleaned regularly to reduce the risk of transmission. Care must be taken during the stunning, hair loss, hair loss, skin removal and visceral removal steps to minimize contamination.

● Do not process, slaughter, dress, sell, prepare, or consume animal proteins that have sickened or killed wild animals or livestock for unknown reasons. These practices put people at increased risk of getting an infection.

● Unusual animal morbidity or mortality must be reported to the animal health authorities.

Overall, it is necessary to ensure that good food safety and hygiene practices are followed.

Are people who consume bats, bushmeat, and other wildlife at risk for COVID-19?

When eating wildlife, follow good food safety and hygiene practices (outlined above). Do not eat meat or products from sick animals or eat raw wild meat or uncooked organs or tissues.

Importantly, the legitimate consumption of wildlife is safe if safe food handling and cooking practices are followed.

However, it is wise to stop eating bats from a health perspective and as many zoonotic pathogens have appeared in bats. Bats are so resistant to viruses that they have a much higher proportion of zoonotic pathogens than other wildlife. Also, many bat species are threatened or endangered, excluding them from hunting restrictions and making their use as food sources illegal.

What about a “wet market”? Do they pose a threat?

“Fresh markets” (markets selling raw meat, fish and live animals) are considered important areas where humans, wildlife and livestock can be flooded with pathogens. The proximity of live animals in these markets allows the exchange of pathogens between wildlife and livestock species, which can evolve into new strains of virus that infect humans and livestock. However, this must be confirmed by scientific evidence.

To reduce the risk of zoonotic diseases, FAO recommends that: ensure good hygiene and food safety practices, implement international animal welfare standards, trade wildlife domestically and internationally, and Implementation of proper management of the sale of wild meat at wildlife markets cities and towns.

What is the role of the veterinarian during this time?

It is important to ensure that veterinary services are reassured to anyone who can safely raise, raise, maintain, and care for pets, draft animals, and livestock, and that it is important that veterinarians maintain activity during lockdown (e.g., surveillance , Vaccinations, outbreak investigations) disease cases, basic veterinary care, border controls, etc.).

Veterinary authorities also contacted the Ministry of Health and Forestry, Natural Resources or Wildlife and maintained close contact to use consistent and appropriate interventions and investigations, risk communication messages, and the One Health approach You need to ensure risk management. At the border, effective biosecurity risk management and cooperation with testing authorities must be maintained.

Detection of SARS-CoV-2 virus in animals, including species information, diagnostic tests, and related epidemiological information, must be reported to the World Animal Health Organization (OIE).

How did FAO support this work area?

As part of its mission, FAO will use the One Health approach to work closely with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Animal Health Organization (OIE) to prevent, prepare, and detect priority pathogens in animals. Adjust. This approach is a unifying force for protecting human and animal health, reducing the threat of disease and ensuring safe food supplies.

For COVID-19, FAO has activated an incident coordination group. It regularly connects global, regional and national partners and ensures global coordination of disease activities and communication in terms of animal health and livelihood resilience.

We work with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to fund research and training across animal lab networks, using nuclear technology to detect the possible presence of viruses in animals and the environment. I am. The resulting scientific evidence weapon will help you manage your pandemic in the most effective way. Preventing COVID-19 from disrupting aquatic and terrestrial animal production due to human pandemics is of paramount importance to FAO. To that end, the organization provides guidelines to farmers and animal health workers.


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