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First patient with Halesowen receives Covid-19 vaccine from GP

First patient with Halesowen receives Covid-19 vaccine from GP


Deployment of the Covid-19 vaccine began at Feldon Lane Medical Practice in Halesowen, where couples in the 1980s first received the new coronavirus jab.

Jelly and Maureen Hughes, who have been married for over 60 years, received their first dose of the new Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine yesterday (Monday, December 14) at GP surgery, one of two primary care networks (PCN sites). I did. The Dudley area was vaccinated.

At the ages of 81 and 84, the couple with two daughters and three grandchildren were delighted to receive the first locally groundbreaking vaccine.

Maureen said: “It’s hard to get vaccinated first. I can’t thank the people who made the vaccine possible. It’s great to see the product at the end after months of isolation. I Are really excited. ”

Jerry said: “It’s great that people have achieved what’s happening behind the scenes by bringing vaccines into such surgery. They did a great job.”

Halesowen News:

Both were followed by 91-year-old Stanley Davies from Halesowen (Photo above) “Vaccination means that you can relax and look forward to the next vaccination. I live alone and am still walking around, but this year it was harder. All of us are back to normal. It is advisable to vaccinate others so that they can. ”

Patients over the age of 80 who are mobile are prioritized to receive jabs at the PCN site, following the advice of the Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization (JCVI), which determines the order in which people receive vaccines.

The GP and other primary care staff contacted eligible patients over the weekend and booked them at the vaccination clinic. This will continue as the week progresses.

Dr. Gillian Love, Senior GP Partner of Feldon Lane Medical Practice and Clinical Director of Halesowen PCN, said: “Vaccines are a great opportunity to restore some normality for family and friends to reconnect and the country to recover.

“Anyone who has been vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine is encouraged to move forward when asked to do so. This is an opportunity to protect ourselves and each other.”

Dr. Mohit Mandiratta, GP Partner of Feldon Lane Medical Practice, said: “I like the rest of the world after seeing the first vaccine offered in Coventry last week. Today, a week later, I will start vaccination of the first patient here in Halesowen.

“The last nine months have been a tough time for everyone. It’s great to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

“But for now, we haven’t left the forest yet, so it’s important for people to keep following the guidelines, so during Christmas, people follow national guidelines and keep protecting themselves and each other as much as possible. Is important. ”

The Northway Medical Center (Sedgley, Coseley, part of the Gornal PCN) is the only other designated location in the Dudley district to be vaccinated starting this week.

Health directors at Black Country and West Birmingham have said they will face more vaccination services over the next few weeks.

Vaccination centers that treat large numbers of patients will also be launched when additional supplies of vaccines become available, they added.

The NHS will contact people when they are eligible for vaccination. Patients do not need to contact their clinic.

In the meantime, people are encouraged to do everything they can to stop the spread of the virus-by following government guidance and adhering to Tier 3 restrictions currently in place in the West Midlands.

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