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Much more opioid prescriptions in the underprivileged northern region of the UK, research reveals

Much more opioid prescriptions in the underprivileged northern region of the UK, research reveals


Divided into north and south ‘Opioid epidemic’ New studies show that prescription levels are much higher in the most disadvantaged northern regions.

Researchers at the University of Manchester say the GP is “going with” people engaged in dangerous drug behavior, and addiction charities say doctors are trying to use drugs to solve social problems. I warned you.

The study, published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, found that the UK region with the highest inequality had at least twice the prescription rate as the poorest region.

The worst regions of northern England were three times as high as the poorest regions of London, even when the results were adjusted for London’s young population.

Professor Evangelos Kontopantelis, a professor of data science and health services research at the University of Manchester, said there were two interpretations: And obviously, general practice is to some extent in line with it.

“We know that GPs should limit their prescriptions. We need to do more at the practical level to suppress this epidemic. But we have other extremes. I don’t want to go anywhere and risk not being prescribed for those who need them. “

There were more than 600 million doses in total Opioid Prescribed in the United Kingdom in 2018-19, drug prescriptions in the country increased by 34% between 2008 and 2018.

Drugs that are very effective in treating pain often help with acute pain, but when used in chronic conditions, they can lead to addiction and addiction.

Dr. Rachel Britton, pharmacy director of the addiction charity We Are With You, warned that the Northern GP is “medicalizing” social problems in poorer areas by reporting experiences such as sexual abuse. Strongly addictive drug..

She states: “Often,’chronic pain’ is the result of someone experiencing some trauma in their lives. This can be anything from sexual abuse to jailing parents or being bullied at school. We know that people in poorer areas are more likely to experience this type of experience. Long-term opioids use the method of writing cracks in deep-seated emotional problems on paper.

“Therefore, the prescriber needs to fully understand whether the patient has any underlying mental health problems before prescribing opioids.

“But the north-south division of this report also talks about a wider range of problems. When GPs prescribe opioids for non-acute pain, they often medicalize social problems.”


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