Parkview vaccinates 6 workers | Local
Six Parkview Health employees were vaccinated with COVID-19 for the first time in the state on Monday. This is only five hours after the dose arrives at Fort Wayne.
Parkview officials said the vaccine arrived at 7 am on Monday.Employee started taking at 12:09 pm
The vaccine developed by Pfizer / BioNTech was approved for emergency use by the Federal Food and Drug Administration on Friday.
Initial doses are targeted at COVID-19 patients and front-line healthcare professionals who may be exposed to infectious substances, according to health officials.
At Fort Wayne, all initial doses were given to Parkview doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, pharmacists, patient care technicians, and environmental service technicians, according to the Indiana Department of Health.
Parkview is part of the State Department of Health’s 5-site vaccine pilot program. Parkview has established a mass vaccination clinic at the Mirro Center for Research and Innovation, just east of the Parkview Regional Medical Center.
Parkview spokeswoman Tami Brigle said there were 975 vaccinations on Monday. Parkview plans to ship about 1,000 second shipments by the weekend, with 8,000 doses expected by the end of next week, she said.
Mass vaccination of qualified healthcare professionals will begin today in a four-hour clinic.
The Lutheran Health Network will be vaccinated around Thursday, spokeswoman Joy Lohse said.
“We are in the process of ensuring that the three vaccination distribution sites, Lutheran Hospital, DuPont Hospital and Kosiusco Community Hospital, are ready to distribute vaccines to our employees,” she said. It was.
Parkview began running a detailed simulation of the Vaccination Management Clinic three weeks ago, said Michelle Charles, Vice President of Nursing Informatics at Parkview.
She said potential participants are being asked to register online. When they arrive, they will be asked if they have any symptoms or if they have an allergic reaction to the vaccine.
A shot will be given and participants will be observed for 15 minutes to check for side effects. Participants will also be advised on how to get the second shot they need in 21-28 days.
“The timing of all steps has been adjusted,” Charles said. The simulation helps ensure that participants “have a great experience” and that the clinic can reach its goal of 1,000 shots a day, she said.
About 70 medical professionals will be staffed in the clinic, according to Charles. It is estimated that 15,000 to 30,000 healthcare workers live in the areas of the three counties.
“We’ve had a very good response (from healthcare professionals). This week’s schedule is almost full,” Charles said.
“Vaccination is a big step in the fight against COVID-19,” added Dr. Jeffrey Board, Chief Quality and Safety Officer at Parkview Health. “We strongly recommend that people who meet the (Indiana Health Department) criteria be vaccinated and begin to protect the community.”
Parkview can vaccinate qualified healthcare workers from other organizations in the Allen, Huntington, and Whitley counties, in addition to their workers.
Qualified individuals will be notified by their employer, professional organization, or licensing agency, receive a link to Zotec, the state health department’s online platform, and register their bookings.
Parkview workers may be directed to locations operated by other health care systems, based on the county in which they live. According to hospital officials, eligibility and location will be determined by the State Health Department, not Park View.
For more information on vaccines and state distribution plans, please visit
State health officials said more than 50 Indiana hospitals and clinics are expected to receive 55,575 vaccinations by the weekend.
Dr. Lindsay Weaver, Indiana’s Chief Medical Officer, said care staff and residents were also prioritized because COVID-19 had a disproportionate impact on them.
She said half of the state’s COVID-related deaths occurred among residents of nursing homes.
COVID-19 claimed an additional 35 Fusher, killing a total of 6,530 people, the State Department of Health reported on Monday. The number of newly identified cases was 5,050, for a total of 430,401 in the state.
Allen County reported on Monday that three more residents had died and 231 were COVID-19 positive, for a total of 394 deaths and 24,249 confirmed.
Weaver, who leads the state’s vaccine planning and distribution efforts, said Indiana would open the vaccine to additional groups as more shipments were received.
The board, which said Parkview had an Incident Command Center that was open for 284 days to respond to a pandemic, called Monday a “milestone day” of the fight against the virus.
“We are proud to be part of Indiana’s history and are celebrating this big step in protecting our communities as well as our colleagues,” he said.
Photos and relics of today’s vaccinations are shared with the History Center.
The first local recipient of the COVID-19 vaccine was Reedstefen, a patient care technician at the Progressive Care Unit. Marsha Franklin, Respiratory Therapist; Terence Gantt, Environmental Services Technician. Jessica Taylor, a registered nurse in the medical intensive care unit. Michael Todt, a pharmacist in the medical intensive care unit. And Dr. Hariom Joshi, Medical Intensive Care Unit.
Outpatient pharmacist Maryam Nooureldin administered all six shots.
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