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The COVID-19 vaccine has arrived in South Carolina. This is why experts say you should want it. | COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears

The COVID-19 vaccine has arrived in South Carolina. This is why experts say you should want it. | COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears


After nine months of waiting, some people have the longest lifespan, but slowed down in the scientific world, but the first South Carolinas were vaccinated today with the COVID-19 vaccine.

Immediate delivery of vaccine, About a year after the first case was reported in China, The most hopeful predictions of rebellious scientists. This is also an excellent vaccine. Clinical trials have shown that the drug is 95% effective in preventing the virus that causes a pandemic.

In most cases, the wait is not over.

According to the SC Health and Environment Administration, South Carolina has a population of 200,000 to 300,000 with the potential to be vaccinated by the end of the year. Priority is given to front-line healthcare professionals, residents and nursing home staff.

However, as manufacturing grows, many of us will have access to vaccines. Throughout the state, scaffolding is rising to support widespread distribution, and health officials are pressing the public to accept the vaccine. This is why they say you should want it:

Strict study

The Food and Drug Administration approved a vaccine invented by a German company called BioNTech and manufactured by Pfizer on Thursday. They will review what was made by Moderna this Thursday.

According to Pfizer, 44,000 people participated in the clinical trial. Children and pregnant women were excluded. About half of them got vaccines and half got placebos. Among vaccinated people, Shot was 95% effective in preventing COVID-19.

Many of the people vaccinated in the Pfizer trial had side effects such as fatigue, chills, pain, and fever.

“That doesn’t mean the vaccine isn’t safe,” said Dr. Linda Bell, the state’s chief epidemiologist, last week. “It’s your body’s immune system that responds to vaccines.”

Side effects should last for a day or so.

Coronavirus vaccines are not 100% risk free. This is a very rare caseFor example, the polio vaccine caused the exact disease to prevent. It is scientifically impossible to get the coronavirus from a new vaccine, but other types of reactions can occur.

Two UK healthcare workers with a history of severe allergies experienced anaphylaxis after vaccination. Reported by the BBC..

Dr. Paul Offit, a member of the committee that decided to approve the vaccine on Thursday, said the system was in place to make vaccination as safe as possible. Broadcasting on YouTube with JAMA in early December..

“Taking another risk is an option,” he said.

Lior Rennert, Biostatistician at Clemson University He was involved in developing a vaccine distribution plan and constructed the efficacy of the drug in simple terms.

“What that means is that if you’re not vaccinated, you’re almost 20 times more likely to get COVID-19 than if you were vaccinated,” he said. ..


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Coronavirus vaccines differ from their predecessors in that their components are not made up of live or dormant viruses. Instead, it is made of messenger RNA.

Dr. Krutika Kuppalli, Member of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Medical University of South Carolina, Said messenger RNA, directs cells in the body to make harmless parts of coronavirus proteins. Then the immune system reacts.

“There are already these excellent antibodies that can initiate a response if later exposed to the coronavirus,” Kuppali said during the recording of The Post and Courier’s “Understand SC.”

Dr. Peter Parese, Dean of the Department of Microbiology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York City, He explained that vaccines developed in the past worked by reconstructing the virus in the laboratory. This is the first time a vaccine using messenger RNA has been approved, but Parese said science has been around for a long time.

He called the results of the Modana and Pfizer vaccine tests “amazing.”

“I didn’t think it was this good a year ago,” he said. “There are no real side effects or side effects. If you don’t want to die, take it.”

Pfizer vaccines are made up of a mixture of proteins and lipids. This composition is the reason why it must be stored at such low temperatures — Between -112 and -76 degrees Fahrenheit.. If the vial reaches a temperature that is too high, the contents will crack, as if there was mayonnaise left on the kitchen counter, Parese said.

Follow the protocol

Dr. Daniel Schuler, Chief Quality Officer at the Medical University of South Carolina, said on Friday that the chemistry of the Pfizer vaccine requires hospitals to make detailed plans daily.

“We have to be very accurate about how many people are vaccinated every day,” she said. “We are not willing to tolerate any amount of waste.”

Everyone should be vaccinated twice with the same vaccine every 3-4 weeks. The length of time depends on the manufacturer. The vaccine was approved only for people over the age of 16.

Dr. Phillip Dulberger, Ph.D., Tidelands Health’s doctor, explained that it is important to stick to the guidelines that Pfizer has set for vaccination.

The process of bringing the vaccine to market was rapid and under intense pressure, but it is still the same, Dalberger said.

“People need to recognize that the same science that is done with other vaccines continues here,” he said.

Melanie Matney, chief operating officer of the South Carolina Hospital Association, said there are federal and state registries to track first and second doses of the vaccine. These systems encourage people to come back for a second dose.

For now, the state is focusing on immunization of top priority people, especially the emergency department, ICU, and healthcare providers of COVID-19 units.

And once vaccinated, the experience of COVID-19 does not end. The study only investigated whether the vaccinated person was infected with COVID-19, not whether they were infected and unknowingly infected others. That is, you need to wear a mask and stay socially distant.


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