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MRMC has not been vaccinated with COVID yet | Free Share

MRMC has not been vaccinated with COVID yet | Free Share
MRMC has not been vaccinated with COVID yet | Free Share


Over 224,000 times of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine will be shipped to 109 hospitals in Texas this week, according to DSHS.

Hospital, county, and city officials will announce the COVID-19 vaccine when it arrives in Matagorda County, but there is no fixed arrival date at this time.

Governor Abbott estimated that an additional 1.4 million doses would be available from mid-December. Vaccines are prioritized by healthcare professionals and first responders because of the high risk of spreading the virus in the event of illness. Dr. Anthony Fauci predicted that “anyone”, including “low-priority groups,” could be vaccinated “by April.” [2021].. Abbott announced that the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was the first to allocate more than 1.4 million COVID-19 vaccines to Texas in December.

These vaccines will arrive in Texas in the week of December 14, making them state-wide eligible providers to manage these vaccinations based on vaccine distribution principles developed by the State Expert Vaccine Allocation Panel. It will be distributed. In December, additional allocations may be made later this month. In addition, the amount is expected to increase after January.

“Texas is already preparing for the arrival of the COVID-19 vaccine and will quickly distribute these vaccines to Texas people who choose to be vaccinated voluntarily,” said Abbott. “While waiting for the first shipment of these vaccines, we will work with the community to mitigate the COVID-19 epidemic.”

Abbott and the Texas Department of Health (DSHS) have published guiding principles for the COVID-19 vaccine allocation process in Texas. This will serve as the basis for the state’s initial distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine, which is scheduled for as early as next month.

These principles are established by the Expert Vaccine Allocation Panel (EVAP) created by DSHS to identify vulnerable populations and groups that first need to be vaccinated to provide the most protection to critical state resources. Make recommendations for making vaccine allocation decisions, such as.

“These guiding principles established by the Expert Vaccine Allocation Panel ensure that Texas will promptly distribute the COVID-19 vaccine to Texas people who choose to be vaccinated voluntarily,” Abbott said. Told. “The foundation of this allocation process helps mitigate the COVID-19 epidemic in the community, protect the most vulnerable Texans, and conserve critical state resources.”

Texas will initially allocate the COVID-19 vaccine based on the following criteria:

• Protect healthcare professionals who play an important role in the care and life support of COVID-19 patients and maintain the healthcare infrastructure of everyone in need.

• Protect front-line workers at high risk of becoming infected with COVID-19 due to the nature of their work, which provides critical services and protects the economy.

• Protects vulnerable populations at high risk of serious illness and death when infected with COVID-19.

• Mitigate health inequality due to factors such as demographics, poverty, insurance status and geography.

• Data-driven allocation with the best scientific evidence and epidemiology available at the time. This gives you the flexibility to adapt to local conditions.

• Geographical diversity with a balanced approach that takes into account urban and rural communities and access by affected zip codes.

• Transparency by sharing assignments with the general public and seeking public feedback.

EVAP recommended healthcare professionals who could be the first group to vaccinate COVID-19 patients and other vulnerable residents, and was approved by Health Commissioner John Hellerstedt. This includes hospital and long-term care staff, emergency health services, and home health care workers. As part of the ongoing work, EVAP makes recommendations on when and how to deploy the vaccine to other critical groups.


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