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The first vaccine inoculated in the area


“Hopefully, the vaccine will reach the entire community as soon as it becomes widespread and help eradicate the virus,” Kunkle said.

to seeTonight’s Community Conversation: What You Need to Know About Coronavirus Vaccines

The Ohio Department of Health has selected 10 hospitals each to receive 975 vaccinations this week, based on the geography, population, and access to ultra-cold storage required to store Pfizer-produced vaccines. The remaining 98,000 vaccine shipments this week will be sent to CVS and Walgreens and managed in collective living facilities such as nursing homes.

A Premier Health spokesman said in an email statement, “We plan to start vaccination of healthcare professionals around December 22nd.”

“At this time, vaccination of Premier Health employees is voluntary,” the statement said. “But we recommend that you take the vaccine to your staff as a precautionary measure when it becomes available … The news that the vaccine is imminent is very welcome news and we are optimistic about the community. I hope it will bring you a lot of feelings. It’s a difficult holiday season. “

DeWine and First Lady Fran DeWine greeted the shipment of vaccines arriving at Springfield Regional.

“Today is a happy day in Clark County,” Dewin said. “Since yesterday, as we move forward every day, we see more and more of our front-line healthcare professionals, those who are life-threatening and seizing opportunities to protect us. Protected, we are very excited about it. “

Springfield Regional will distribute all initial shipments to high-risk personnel over the next four days.

Many of Ohio’s planned vaccine doses will be a virtually equally effective second coronavirus vaccine manufactured by Moderna and will be approved by the Food and Drug Administration by the end of this week. .. Both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines need to be given twice.

to seeAnswer our survey: Are you planning to get a coronavirus vaccine?

Ohio expects to ship 201,000 coronavirus vaccines from Moderna on or around Tuesday, December 22nd. These doses are sent to 98 hospitals for healthcare professionals dealing with COVID patients and 108 health departments for vaccination of other frontline workers.

Public Health-Dayton & Montgomery County expects to receive about 3,100 doses sometime after Tuesday, which is “not a solid number,” a spokesman said. Public health said Tuesday morning that it would vaccinate emergency medical service workers and home care staff.

DeWine announced on Tuesday afternoon that the Ohio Department of Health will issue guidance to local health departments to prioritize vaccination of residents of nursing homes and other apartments that are not enrolled in federal programs. Most apartments will be handled by retail pharmacies CVS and Walgreens, which will begin managing shots on Monday.

123,000 shipments from Pfizer will also arrive in Ohio on or around Tuesday. These vaccines are sent to Walgreens and CVS and given in a collective care environment such as a nursing home.

to seeWhat we know about plans to distribute the coronavirus vaccine locally

Of the approximately 11.7 million inhabitants of Ohio, nearly one million are either medically engaged or live in collective living facilities. It may take several months to give two doses to all members of the top priority group who want it. DeWine warned Ohio residents to continue to wear face masks, social distances and follow other safety protocols as it takes time to reach herd immunity.

On Tuesday, the Ohio Department of Health reported 8,755 cases of coronavirus daily with COVID-19, 103 deaths, and 614 hospitalizations.

Also on Tuesday, the Federal Emergency Management Agency announced two grants totaling approximately $ 12.7 million to support the two Ohio hospital systems at a cost from COVID-19. Premier Health was awarded approximately $ 6.7 million and Ohio State University was granted approximately $ 6 million.

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