On the “single best day” of reported cases, Kern County expands coronavirus surge protection | News
On the day Kern County reported the highest number of new coronavirus cases ever, the Supervisory Board expanded some measures designed to manage the prolonged surge in COVID-19 disease.
Kern County has once again established itself as a hotspot for the coronavirus. Public health services director Matt Constantine said at a supervisory meeting Tuesday that new cases were identified in many of Khan’s skilled nursing facilities and prisons. Both are vulnerable to the rapid spread of the virus.
Of the 2,082 cases reported on Tuesday, about 800 were from prisons or 19 nursing homes in the county.
However, Kern County has poor performance on all coronavirus metrics, showing significantly higher spread rates than reported just a few weeks ago.
The county reports a positive test rate of 16.9%. This is more than double the level required by the state to determine that the coronavirus is “spread” within the region. As of Tuesday, 66.3 new COVID cases were identified daily for every 100,000 residents of Kern County.
“These numbers are worrisome. They are clearly very high. Constantine told her boss on Tuesday, a four-tiered state that enables different levels of business and social activity depending on the county’s situation. Mentioned the system. This is 5-6 times the goal we had when we were in the deficit. Coronavirus metrics.
The capacity of county hospitals is also showing signs of tension. As of Tuesday, 284 Kern County patients were hospitalized with COVID-19 and 61 were admitted to the intensive care unit. The county’s ICU has a capacity of only 4.8% and has 20 beds available.
Still, Constantine reassured the board that there was room left in the system, and the hospital was properly handling the influx of COVID-19 patients.
“This is what (hospitals) are good at,” he said, commenting that a health care executive recently commented that the level of activity seen in local hospitals is not uncommon during the normal flu season. “They manage the daily crisis. They have a big car accident. They have many families who get sick. They are good at this. They are the best way to serve the masses. I’m really good at finding. “
Nonetheless, the supervisor has approved two precautions to extend the contract for surge capacity efforts. In one measure, the supervisor modified the lease with Khan County Fairgrounds. This allows the county to use some of its properties for emergency surge expansion sites when all local hospital beds are occupied. The lease has already been extended twice and is currently scheduled to end in June. The new amendment will increase costs by $ 480,000 to a total of approximately $ 1.4 million new under the Federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act.
In another motion, the supervisor extended another lease at the fair, allowing the county to house 15 temporary quarantine units on the premises to accommodate homeless individuals with COVID-19. The maximum cost of this lease is currently around $ 1 million.
“Believe it or not, the deal will last for a year,” Khan’s Chief Operating Officer Jim Zarvis said at the meeting. “It really shows the length of the pandemic we continue to deal with.”
Also, as part of its numerous motions, the supervisor has extended the contract with RightSourcing Inc., which was scheduled to end at the end of December, and now ends on March 31st. The contract allows up to 88 travel nurses to be assigned to hospitals in Kern County. The event in which the shortage occurred.
Constantine said some hospitals have begun to bring in additional nurses.
“Early in the county, we realized that staffing was probably the area we needed to focus on most, especially ICU nurses, the area of weakness,” he said. “So we have made it our number one priority.”
You can reach Sammorgen at 661-395-7415. You can also follow him on Twitter @ smorgenTBC.
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