New Coronavirus COVID-19 Vaccination of St. Elizabeth Kentucky Workers
Shipments of 975 COVID-19 vaccines were brought to St. Elizabeth Healthcare-Edgewood on Tuesday morning, marking the start of new long-awaited safeguards for patients closest to those admitted with the new coronavirus. ..
The Northern Kentucky-based healthcare system began vaccination of about 20 healthcare workers at Edgewood Hospital on Tuesday at 3:00 pm with the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine.
Dr. Dora Savani, an infectious disease doctor at Wedgwood Hospital, was first vaccinated. Sabani has been in it from the beginning and has been informing medical caregivers of St. E of the new coronavirus pathways and consequences since early January.
More:Kentucky reports 2,946 new coronavirus cases and 15 deaths on Tuesday
The next vaccination was Lian Ernst, the coordinator of the St. Elizabeth Infection Response Team and the supervisory nurse who leads the team of St. E. Fort Thomas, where most new coronavirus patients are being treated.
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The team includes nurses, doctors, laboratory technicians, ultrasound specialists, respiratory caregivers, and more.
Governor Andy Beshear called the arrival of vaccinations in Kentucky an “absolute game changer” in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic during his daily briefing in Kentucky. “They give us hope,” he said.
Officials said the first batch of vaccinations for St. Elizabeth health care workers would be given to caregivers in hospitals in Florence, Fort Thomas and Edgewood.
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According to officials, St. Elizabeth Pharmacy is leading the process and is backed by nurses.
Each healthcare provider receives an injection and is observed before leaving. They are all given a second injection as a vaccination protocol.
St. Elizabeth is one of 11 hospitals in Kentucky and receives a share of the first round of vaccines.
Kentucky COVID-19 Vaccine: Who Inoculates First Where?Answered your question
First dose of Pfizer / BioNTech It was delivered Monday to the University of Louisville Hospital in Kentucky. Shipments of 38,025 doses are expected to be delivered throughout the state, and Bescher previously said 110,500 doses of Moderna vaccine are expected to be sent to Kentucky.
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