Tennessee’s COVID-19 vaccine was advertised as fair by Bill Lee, despite its slow initial deployment
When other states began the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine on Monday, Governor Billley’s administration on Tuesday advertised a fair but slow approach to Tennessee’s first distribution round, with fairness first. He insisted that the deployment should exceed the speed.
Tennessee received shipment 975 doses of Pfizer vaccine On Monday, however, the hospital chose to keep it as a backup supply in case it found a problem with future shipments. The hospital will receive the first dose on Thursday and then begin vaccination to front-line healthcare professionals.
The first shipment of less than 1,000 states 56,000 doses to 74 hospitals Around the state later this week.
More:Tennessee expects 56,000 COVID-19 vaccines this month, but that won’t last that long
“It’s our job to get the vaccine to the people of the state,” Lee said on a phone call with a news editor on Tuesday. “We need to do so in a fair way to ensure that the right people, who are safe and at the highest risk in the shortest amount of time, receive this vaccine. That is our goal.”
Some doctors and other critics accused Lee of not immediately distributing the first Pfizer vaccine to hospitals, but as other states did on Monday, his administration said which hospital He defended that decision, saying there was no fair way to decide whether to receive early shipments.
“There is absolutely no way to fairly choose which facility received 975 doses,” said a phone caller who only asked Lee’s office to be identified as a senior officer.
“I know 72 hours feels like a long time, but I’m confident that the vaccine will be available as soon as it arrives Thursday morning,” officials said. “Currently, there are several places in the state where vaccines are needed, so we decided to send them all at the same time on Thursday.”
Government officials welcomed the Tennessee vaccine distribution program from “multiple agencies” as one of the “fairest programs in the country,” and later praised CDC directors Robert Redfield and Harvard University. He said he had nominated among the people.
It wasn’t immediately clear what Redfield or Harvard said exactly why Tennessee’s ration schedule was considered more equitable than other state plans.
The state’s 975 doses are nearly sufficient to give a single dose to frontline workers in medium-sized hospitals.
Dr. Greg James, Chief Clinical Officer of Ascension Saint Thomas, said the hospital group received 975 doses at three of the largest facilities in the Nashville area on Thursday, and these doses were for their frontline workers. He said it would cover most.
As of Tuesday, Tennessee had the second highest new COVID-19 infection rate in the country in the last seven days, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This represents 113 new infections for every 100,000 residents.
Dr. James Parnell, chairman of the Tennessee branch of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine, wrote on social media on social media about a state hospital lacking beds.
“Please allow the 975 vaccines in your office to be for front-line workers in your Twitter photo shoot,” Parnell wrote. “Even a single dose is more effective than a single dose.”
A senior official on the phone on Tuesday quoted strict guidelines on the handling of Pfizer vaccines, explaining that failure to follow certain protocols would be considered ruined for the entire case and would have to be destroyed. The state reserves the first shipment as a backup for that purpose.
The remaining 40 hospitals in the state that do not receive the first vaccine shipment will be covered by the Moderna vaccine shipment scheduled for Monday or Tuesday, following urgent federal approval scheduled for the weekend. The Moderna vaccine requires less handling protocols and Tennessee expects to receive the first shipment of 115,000 doses.
Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines should be given twice at intervals of several weeks to optimize efficacy.
State officials are uncertain when the vaccine will arrive at the next stage beyond the initial dose to hospital workers.
Lee administration officials Changes in approach to testing by governments around the stateThe health department needs to shift its focus to vaccination, but explains that free tests are offered five days a week.
More:Tennessee Moves to Self-Swab COVID-19 Test to Release Staff for Vaccination
Officials said nearly 85% of Tennessee’s coronavirus tests are already being done in private clinics.
“Frankly, as a doctor, you need to do the tests there,” officials said of a private health facility.
“For the time being, outside the hospital, only the health department will be able to vaccinate for the next few weeks.”
The state will begin publishing an online dashboard report on the number of vaccines administered on Tuesday and Friday. The Ministry of Health has also coordinated the daily release time of coronavirus data, moving from 2:00 pm CST to 5:00 pm CST.
Brett Kelman contributed.
Contact Natalie Allison at [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter. @natalie_allison..
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