See as the first COVID-19 vaccine given at Memorial Hermann
Houston – It’s a historic day of the fight between Houston and the coronavirus.
The first hospital workers in our area have finally got what they need to start fighting the coronavirus, which is killing people in our community since the beginning of the year.
Memorial Hermann COVID ICU nurse Robert Lucky takes care of COVID-19 patients since the pandemic began, while isolated from the family and worried about his family at home. I said I was doing it.
“I think that’s the main idea because we all have moms, dads and kids that we want to protect,” he explained why he felt lucky to get his first vaccination in Houston.
There is a video of all the trucks arriving at the loading dock of a hospital in the Houston area.
Ventaub, University of Texas School of Medicine Galveston, Houston Methodist Hospital, LBJ Hospital, CHI-St. Luke’s and Memorial Hermann Hospital at Texas Medical Center.
“This is the next step and the most important step to get us back,” said Dr. James McCarthy, executive physician of the Memorial Hermann Health Care System.
The vaccination process is as follows:
As soon as the vial was removed from the truck, the one used was thawed to room temperature in just over 30 minutes.
The condensed liquid was then diluted, gently shaken and dispensed in 5 portions.
The first five recipients in Houston were from Memorial Hermann Health Care’s COVID ICU, Emergency Department, Infectious Disease Doctors, and Respiratory Therapists.
All doses of Deep Freezer should be used within 6 months.
“We use them much faster and our staff are ready and lined up,” said Dr. Anna Maria Macaruso Davidson, Vice President of Healthcare at Memorial Hermann.
According to the CDC guidance, the first layer of hospital staff to receive the vaccine is those who are in direct contact with the coronavirus. All of these recipients will need a second dose within 21 days, so more drugs will be shipped in the next few days and need to continue.
Moderna has vaccine candidates that are as effective as Pfizer. The Modana vaccine does not need to be stored at very low temperatures, but it does need to be given twice.
The company is in talks with the FDA this week.
This process of immunizing the public may go faster if they are granted an emergency use permit.
But according to Dr. McCarthy, the best hope that the majority of the population has enough immunity to begin to return to normal will probably take us in the spring or summer.
Copyright 2020 by KPRC Click2Houston-All rights reserved.
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