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Rare and serious fungal infections complicate cases of Covid 19 in three Indian cities

Rare and serious fungal infections complicate cases of Covid 19 in three Indian cities


Doctors at Sagangalam Hospital in Delhi Report more than 12 cases Symptoms of Covid19-related melanomycosis or zygomycosis with symptoms such as numbness of face, obstruction of one side of the nose, or pain or swelling of the eyes.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC))Mucor disease is a serious but rare mold infection caused by a group of molds called Mucor fungi. Infections can cause loss of vision, damage to the bones of the nose and jaw, and in the most severe cases, fungi can invade the brain. death..

There is mold Naturally to the environmentEspecially in soil and putrefactive organic matter. “Most people come into contact with fine fungal spores every day, so it’s probably impossible to completely avoid contact with mucous bacteria. These fungi are harmless to most people,” said the CDC. He adds that weakened humans are vulnerable to infection. Mucormycosis generally affects the sinuses or lungs after an individual inhales fungal spores from the air. Mold spores can also enter the system through cuts, burns, or other forms of skin damage.

Delhi is not the only pandemic where rare fungal infections have surfaced.Reportedly In BangaloreMucormycosis has been reported in at least 4 patients, 2 of whom died of the infection. Earlier this month, Mucormycosis was also detected in five patients in Ahmedabad, two of whom died and two of whom lost sight.In all these cases, the patient Suffering from Covid 19 Or recently recovered from it.

“The frequency of witnessing the outbreak of mucor disease caused by Covid 19 with high morbidity and mortality is alarming. Early clinical practice of symptoms such as nasal obstruction, swelling of the eyes and cheeks, and black, dry skin of the nose. Suspicion should encourage biopsy and start antifungal therapy as soon as possible, “said senior Dr. Manish Munjar. ENT Surgeon, Surgeon Garam Hospital, Delhi, Told India Express..

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“They were infected with Covid19, but sugar content and blood pressure surged in two days. CT scans and MRIs after they had black nasal secretions revealed a fungal infection in the sinuses. It was confirmed by a nasal biopsy, “said Dr. Platec Nayak, an otolaryngology consultant at Aster CMI Hospital in Bangalore. , Told the New Indian Express.. In Delhi, doctors were also aware of “rapid rises in sugar and infection levels” in patients infected with mucormycosis.

According to experts, diabetes presents a risk factor for mucormycosis. “Uncontrolled diabetes can make patients vulnerable to infections …. Many Covid19 patients with moderate to severe illness have poorly controlled diabetes, but people of all ages. “It can affect the disease,” explained Dr. Vivekan and Padegal, director of the respiratory department at Fortis Hospital in Bangalore.Experts High dose steroidsCan also increase the risk of mucormycosis.

In Ahmedabad, in addition to a weakened immune system, both of these risk factors were found in people infected with mucordosis. “All four patients had a history of uncontrolled sugar and were taking powerful medications, including steroids. Their immunity was very weak. These two conditions spread rapidly. I believe it was connected, “said Dr. Parth Rana, a retinal and eye trauma surgeon based in Ahmedabad. Told the media..

“We recorded 19 cases of mucormycosis infection in patients who recovered with Covid-19 in the last 3 months. This is 4.5 times the burden previously reported before the pandemic. This is a serious problem and Healthcare providers need to be especially careful … ”Dr. Atul Patel, an infectious disease expert, chief consultant, and director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic at the Vedanta Institute of Medical Sciences, said. Indian study on zygomycosis in 2019..

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