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Virologists explain why people should wear only one pair of shoes to reduce the risk of polluting homes


Virologists explain why people should wear only one pair of shoes to reduce the risk of polluting homes
(Photo: Pixabay) Work boots

Documentaries show that if you do not remove your shoes as soon as you get to the door, your shoes are unlikely to be a source of the virus in your home. In a recent episode of Channel 4 “Coronavirus: how clean your home is” Doctors and virologists have educated the audience on what to do to prevent coronavirus from entering the house.

But Hand washing helps to inactivate the virus in our handsBecause coronavirus particles can still enter our homes by other means, they may not be enough to prevent them from entering our homes.

According to expert A & E physician Dr. Javid Abdelmoneim and virologist Dr. Lisa Cross, you need to wear only one pair of shoes outside your home and take them off when you return home. This will limit the potential for viruses to pollute your home.

They also state that when coming from outside, they must first take off their shoes. Most shoes are nonporous, rubbery soles, and the coronavirus can survive for 3-5 days.

Go out using only one pair of shoes and keep it in the hallway or in the same place. The coronavirus can stay on your clothes for up to 24 hours, so if you need to use public transport or get close to people, change your clothes immediately, wash and tell a specialist. please.

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Dr. Cross explains that caution is required when bringing food or takeaway items home. Empty the food and wipe clean with soap and water. These foods are from the outside and may have a virus on them.

Food and other items with a plastic outer casing that can be thrown should be emptied into separate containers before placing in the refrigerator. Wipe bottles, cartons and tin cans with a plastic cloth.

We state that according to current guidelines, the food itself is not at risk because the virus particles cannot survive in the stomach. After washing and cleaning food, it is an important habit to wipe the floor and reusable bags with soap and water and wash hands.

Dr. Abdelmonaim urged people to remember shopping bags used outdoors. You can put the canvas shopping bag in the washing machine, but in the case of plastic bags, the outside can be easily disinfected.

Every time you bring in something from outside, you may also bring infectious virus particles. We must remember that homes are a brilliant example of cleanliness, Dr. Cross explained.

According to Dr. Lisa Cross, all that is needed is a properly diluted bleach solution or soap and water. Soap and water are good for destroying children’s toy viruses and for cleaning things that come in contact with food safely and effectively.

Dr. David also recommended that separate towels be used for hand and dishwashing towels to prevent cross-contamination. When washing those towels, it is recommended to set the washing machine to 60 or higher, as high temperatures will inactivate the virus.

Read also: COVID-19 patients are more likely to die in US counties with higher levels of air pollution

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