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Long-term care facilities that are the key to vaccination deployment strategies

Long-term care facilities that are the key to vaccination deployment strategies


Burlington, Vermont (WCAX)-Healthcare workers in Vermont have been vaccinated with the state’s first coronavirus vaccine and are currently working to protect the elderly living in care facilities.

Five more COVID-19-related deaths were reported in Vermont on Wednesday, bringing the state’s total to 105. Of these five deaths, three occurred in hospitals and the other two in long-term care facilities. Elderly people will have COVID-19. People over the age of 80 make up only 5% of Vermont’s COVID cases, while the same age group makes up 53% of the state’s COVID deaths.

Elderly housings such as Burlington’s Birchwood Terrace suffer from a serious COVID-19 outbreak. In the spring, more than 50 residents were positive and 16 died. Healthcare leaders say vaccination of residents and staff represents a major leap forward on the path to state recovery.

Heather Mcallister, a registered nurse at Bayada Home Health Care, says she considers it her duty to take it as soon as it is available. “I think there will be less outbreaks in the first or second round,” she said.

Reporter Christina Gesferd: Is that what you are worried about?

Heather Mcallister: I’m worried just because most vaccines take 20 years to develop. This is a 6 month period and the long term impact is unknown.

Despite many unknowns, Mcallister says getting a COVID-19 vaccination is a personal sacrifice she must make. “When one person gets it in a long-term care facility, you see 20-70-maybe you see 10”, she said.

Residents and staff at risk for the gathering environment, which is most susceptible to diffusion, will soon receive one of 6,000 doses in the first round. By next month, about 60,000 other healthcare professionals and Vermonter in the care facility will have it.

The Vermont Department of Disability, Aging and Independent Living oversees these facilities. Commissioner Monica Hut says the shipment of the first shot in Vermont has moved the conversation about the coronavirus to one of the hopes. “It’s clear that our care facilities reflect the communities around us, so when we saw the community expanding, they were really barometers. They were soon enough. It is such a relief to know that you will be quarantined and protected from it, “she said.

Three pharmacies distribute and administer vaccines that the state calls the Pharmacy Partnership Program for Long-term Care. That group includes Kinney Drugs, CVS, and Walgreens. Rite Aid is not participating.

According to Hut, the vaccine not only protects staff who have worked hard to keep the population safe, but is also responsible for unknowingly bringing the virus into the facility. “Sure, there is a period of time that needs to go from the first vaccination to the very aggressive testing, staff monitoring, and relaxation of standards for health examinations,” she said.

Although it takes time to achieve herd immunity, Hat says that families with members in the facility want to know that they can quickly hug and hold their hands again and eventually smile. I will. “We know what the view of Vermont looks like at the top of the mountain, and it returns from this deep, dark hole that feels like us when we reach the top of this climb. I think it will be our experience at that time, “she said.

Representatives from all care facilities, health authorities, and three pharmacies are working together. Authorities say that the vaccine is distributed and administered in long-term care facilities, so everyone involved is on the same page-the process is confident and comfortable.

Copyright 2020 WCAX. all rights reserved.


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