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Dr. Lai describes his experience with the COVID vaccine

Dr. Lai describes his experience with the COVID vaccine


Green Bay, Wisconsin (WBAY)-The first COVID-19 vaccine was given to front-line healthcare professionals in Green Bay. Dr. Ashok Rai, President and CEO of Prevea Health, was one of the first to receive the Pfizer vaccine on Wednesday. He talked about his experience in Action 2 News this morning.

Except for arm pain and headaches, he is doing very well. “These are all normal and wonderful. It means that my body is developing an immune response to COVID-19, so the fact that my arm hurt last night is what I celebrated. . “

Dr. Lai will be attending Action 2 News this morning on Tuesday and Thursday. I have a question? Email [email protected]..

Here you can see the previous Dr.Rai segment.


“My arm hurts a little and I have a little headache. I’m tired, but because it’s Thursday, I woke up at 4am. Other than that, I feel very good because I feel like I’m doing well. It feels great.

“These are all normal and wonderful. It means that my body is developing an immune response to COVID-19, so the fact that my arm hurt last night is what I celebrated. . “

Inspiring day

“There are a lot of emotions involved in this. I went home and started processing all of this. COVID-19 needs to be replicated by humans. Humans are needed to live. Vaccinations All humans who receive the virus have one less host for the virus, so the virus enters the room, 10 people are vaccinated, and the virus dies. Yesterday was the beginning of the end. “

Terrible way to die

“Maybe you’re not dying. Maybe the next person, the one you love. You can’t take someone to the room. You’ve been on a ventilator for weeks. Sometimes , As many medicines as we give you are like drowning for three weeks just before you die. It’s very terrible to see. When you witness it Feelings, you just don’t want anyone to want. And through the family, we want to end this virus. Set aside death. Economic devastation, personal devastation. This I want to do it. This vaccination will get there if everyone receives it. “

Possible allergic reaction

“It’s very slim, but if something happens, there’s all the protection. And that’s also really important. And understand that it’s a very small percentage. You answer the question, We try to prevent it, and if that happens, we are there to take care of you. Three reactions we know, reactions that are considered severe anaphylaxis. Are all treated. Everyone is fine now. If you have a history of allergies or reactions to vaccinations, it is very important to talk to your doctor. You go to see an allergist, but you do it If you don’t have history you get this shot. The more people you do, the better we will be. “

What did you learn?

“I think our heads are still spinning. It took more than 3 hours to vaccinate 20 people. It may seem that we are not acting together, but no , We confirmed that things were working well and paused it at every step to discuss it. Yesterday was a dress rehearsal. Today we will run 90. Tomorrow Run 90 more. Next week we will start running hundreds a day. We will continue to grow. As I said on Tuesday, aim small and miss small. We from every stage I want to learn. From printing labels, and such a great job. This includes a coordinated team of pharmacies, laboratories, nurses, and people checking in. Behind the scenes Hero, IT team. To do all the registrations correctly and to make the order correctly. It’s just a team effort and many people I probably didn’t name it commendable. Yesterday I get 20 It took me a long time, but I hope it’s shorter to get 90. It’s a dress rehearsal to take care of the whole community in the future, so I’m gathering to learn every time. “

Moderna shipment

“I’m very excited to think about it. Being number one, I’ve doubled the number of vaccines I got this week. It’s much easier to store. And now we’re in a smaller place, in rural areas. You can start vaccination. Much of Wisconsin’s healthcare is rural. This is our opportunity to now spread outside the city and vaccinate even more people. “

Vaccine costs

How Much Does It Cost to Get the COVID-19 Vaccine?

“That’s a good question. The federal government, through funding this vaccine, was partly to buy this vaccine for you. So you wouldn’t pay anything for the vaccine. Shot to you The giving provider may charge you a very small amount to administer the vaccine. If you do not have insurance, it will be exempt. There is no reason not to get this vaccine. . “

Test drop off

Why is the number of COVID-19 tests reduced in Wisconsin?

“I think we’ve relaxed our vigilance. Unfortunately, people are ignoring their symptoms. You can see it spreading. You can see the Thanksgiving effect. The number of hospitals has decreased. I’ve seen it, but it’s not enough for us to be comfortable. Many people ignore the symptoms. The runny nose they think is a cold or allergy blames others. Have a COVID test before. Not tested enough people. You can see it. The positive rate is too high. To understand how many negatives there are I need to test more people. It’s just not happening. The test site is probably 50% full. I hope it will be 75-80% by the weekend. People definitely relax their vigilance. And I think you are.”

Vaccine Similarities and Differences

What are the similarities and differences between the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines?

“I’ll talk about the first similarities. Both are mRNA vaccines. Their designs are very similar and the mechanism of how they behave is quite similar. Both are two shots. Pfizer shots. Are 21 days apart from each other and Moderna is 28 days. That’s how they studied it. Pfizer was over 16 years old because he was studied in a young population. Modana is over 18 years old.

“Perhaps the biggest difference for us who need to operate this is the temperature at which we need to store both. Its ultra-low temperature Pfizer vaccine. Moderna vaccine at normal freezer or refrigerator temperatures.

“Otherwise, it’s about the same effectiveness: 94-95% effectiveness. So both are incredible. Both have exactly the same safety profile. Both are very safe.”

Vaccine shipping

How many vaccines are shipped to state and local hubs?

“That is, it’s a very fluid debate because we need to see what the federal government has brought to Wisconsin and how it’s distributed. Most are distributed to healthcare sites. Some are distributed to pharmacies to help with vaccinations in. Therefore, the numbers fluctuate a bit. What we know so far: Pfizer’s first round, about 49,700, I’m in the state I think it’s the number of Pfizer vaccines that will hit. Modena, we expect over 100,000 and over 100,000 next week. We need to see what actually arrives and how it will be distributed. “


“I think you’ll be asked a lot of questions about the first dose and the second dose. Of course. That’s a concern. What the federal government has done is that they refrained from taking that second dose. That’s it. They have it. Whatever they ship to Wisconsin, let’s take a look at the number of rounds. The first shot of 50,000 came to Wisconsin. They already have the next 50,000 Ready to come to us. They only allow us to save the first shot. Within 21 days, preferably 20 days before the 21st day, have that second shot at hand Therefore, they are stored that way. At least in Prevea, our mechanism is that they won’t come up until the second shot is scheduled. A safe backup for it is that you’re yours. When the shot is taken, the Wisconsin Vaccination Registry receives an automatic message from our electronic medical records. Shot 1 was done for this person, and the state also tracks when it’s time for Shot 2. Helps to do. “

Will the vaccine rot?

“Everyone is worried because of the Pfizer vaccine and the temperature it needs to maintain. To be honest with you, we got over it last month. We actually came to see this week. All of those freezers are temperature monitored and warned. In fact, there are these reporting systems on every container to make sure the vaccine is good and frozen and properly before getting into the arm. It has been unzipped. “

People with vaccines and disabilities

The viewer’s siblings have autism and must be detained to be vaccinated. Can he get it at the hospital?

“We know that many special situations occur when a patient is vaccinated. And one size does not cover all. That person, or another person, If you are in such a particular situation, my recommendation is to contact your doctor. They can adjust those particular situations. If we do not deal with it This isn’t the first time it hasn’t happened. It’s not the last time. Once again, we want to ensure that everyone in need of the vaccine, or almost everyone, can get the vaccine. “


What if I get my first shot here in Wisconsin and then travel to a winter home outside the state?

“As I explained earlier, the federal way of working works state by state. Perhaps the people of Washington don’t know what a snowbird is. That’s a shame. Shots are assigned. It is recommended to be in both states, as it is a tracked method. As I mentioned, the Wisconsin Vaccination Registry. Saying that I couldn’t take a second shot in another state. Not, but the second shot says it will arrive at the location where the first shot was given. “

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