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Increase in West Nile virus-infected mosquitoes in low-income areas of Baltimore-ScienceDaily

Increase in West Nile virus-infected mosquitoes in low-income areas of Baltimore-ScienceDaily


In a new study published in Journal of Medical EntomologyResearchers at the University of Maryland (UMD) have found a high incidence of West Nile virus-infected mosquitoes in low-income urban areas of Baltimore, Maryland. Based on previous studies that continued to work with the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies and found larger mosquitoes (more likely to infect) in low-income areas, this preliminary data points to a higher risk of mosquitoes. Offering another part of the puzzle-infectious diseases such as West Nile virus in these areas are already suffering from environmental injustice and poor health. The treatise points out that more research is needed in low-income communities to inform policies and programs that can protect the health of the most endangered people. ..

“To effectively deal with environmental fraud, we need to understand where and why environmental fraud occurs,” said Sarah Rothman, a PhD student in environmental science and technology at UMD and the lead author of the treatise. Stated. “Urban mosquito sampling is often done in urban parks and other areas where staff have easy access to traps, but make sure that socioeconomic status is sampling nearby mosquitoes with diverse socioeconomic status. Should be. Representative surveillance is the first step. Only after identification can we direct public health resources to the communities that need them most, where the risk of illness is actually greatest? ? “

According to Paul Leisnham, an associate professor of environmental science and technology at UMD, the study serves as the first step in tackling environmental justice, creating another important relationship between low-income areas and dangerous mosquito populations. Offers. “Two species of mosquitoes, Aedes albopictus and Aedes albopictus, have shown higher infection rates. Previous studies have shown that the number of mosquitoes and two other ecological parameters that promote the transmission of the virus. We have also shown that women are also large. In low-income areas. Now we have introduced another piece of puzzle that points out higher risks in low-income areas. “

Leisnham spends his time interacting with locals in the urban areas of Baltimore through research and dissemination activities, highlighting key points of mosquito population growth that are not exactly intuitive. “There is less garbage and less mosquitoes.” Surprisingly, mosquitoes can breed in as much water as they collect on bottle caps that have been left in the shade for 4-5 days. If water collects in shaded containers and does not penetrate the ground by controlled rainwater practices, it can easily become a breeding ground for mosquitoes, producing hundreds of stinging adults.

Shannon Rado, a disease ecologist at the Cary Institute, who is a collaborator in this study, explains: Living among us will radically change the risk of developing local illness. Aedes albopictus breeds in unmanaged landscapes, putting people living in areas with abandoned infrastructure at greater risk. “

While relationships between vacant lots, more gomi, and more mosquitoes have been established, more research has been done to further link these environmental injustices to higher human infection rates. Is required. “The incidence of West Nile virus in the population is often underestimated,” says Rothman. “Most cases are asymptomatic, and mildly symptomatic cases are easily confused with other similarly occurring illnesses such as influenza. Good service with limited access to quality medical care. In non-populations, cases may be missed in particular. For people’s Nile virus, it is advisable to further sample the mosquito virus. Additional research shows mosquito infection rates in low-income areas. You can also understand why high patterns are seen and how these patterns are affected by environmental factors such as: Weather. “

“This is important, especially because people in low-income areas are often immunocompromised by other infections such as HIV and COVID-19,” Leisnham adds. “CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] Based on a survey by a local health agency, the United States reported that it was not prepared for mosquito and tick-borne risks. “

Rothman emphasizes the need for this work to improve environmental justice in low-income areas of cities like Baltimore. “Our study supports the idea that residents of these areas are at a disproportionately high risk of mosquito-borne diseases,” says Rothman. “Additional research is needed to understand and address the underlying factors and ultimately protect urban populations.”

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material Provided by University of Maryland.. Note: The content can be edited in style and length.


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