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Apple sets up phone to help Google track coronavirus


Apple and Google want to enable iPhone and Android devices to communicate with each other using Bluetooth, a technology commonly used to connect wireless speakers and keyboards. Public health officials will soon gain greater ability to create apps that sense other nearby devices. Anyone who knows that they are infected with a coronavirus can indicate in the app that they are. In addition, you will be notified to anyone who has a smartphone nearby, whether the device is running Apple software or Google software.

Apple and Google will make tools available for developers to build such a contact tracking app in mid-May, further enhancing the operating system to expand the range of systems.

The companies said that the technology does not track users’ specific locations or reveal the identity of infected individuals to technology giants or governments around the world.

The success of their efforts (an unprecedented collaboration between two major technology rivals) is whether public health authorities can create apps fast enough and whether people can download and use them consistently It depends on Most importantly, despite the recent allegations by President Trump, he relies on the availability of extensive testing, a long-standing challenge in the United States that does not yet know whether many Americans are infected with the coronavirus. I am.

“ We all at Apple and Google believe that there has never been a more important moment to work together to solve one of the world’s most pressing problems, ” they said in a joint statement Said. “Through close cooperation and collaboration with developers, governments and public health providers, we hope to leverage the power of technology to help countries around the world slow the spread of COVID-19 and accelerate the return of everyday life. Yes. “

This new initiative reflects the growing recognition in Silicon Valley that popular technology devices (and the mountains of data they generate) are now available for pandemic tracking.

Over the past few weeks, Facebook has been using social data about user locations to track the potential spread of coronaviruses. Apple and other companies have announced special symptom checkers so that people can determine if they need care. Google has released detailed data on travel habits of smartphone users in 131 countries. And some marketers, once unknown to most Americans, have sought to help public health officials track the effects of social distance around the world.

However, some sites and services are uncomfortable about the right balance between public health and privacy, and how to protect people’s personal information in the face of the urgent need to save lives from deadly coronaviruses. Questions. When White House officials began working with the industry last month on how to use location information-the debate first reported by the Washington Post-privacy hawks and members of Congress were dismissed. Many feared that the US government would risk invading American private life.

On Friday, Apple and Google emphasized that they did not intend to collect anyone’s exact coordinates to combat the coronavirus. Instead, the contact tracking apps they enable see the participating user’s device broadcast an anonymous numeric beacon that changes every few minutes. These beacons are registered by nearby devices, including those within 6 feet. This is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as part of the demand for social distance.

At this time, users need to actively install and use these contact tracking apps, which are being developed by institutions such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. And it is entirely your responsibility to indicate whether you are infected with a coronavirus, which results in anonymous alerts being sent to people who are nearby.

Epidemiologists and public health authorities have recently focused on Bluetooth technology as an essential companion for a team of humans trying to track and stop the spread of the pandemic. On who they recently contacted.

The Oxford University research team Write in Science Magazine Last month, the virus spread “was too fast to be contained by manual contact tracking,” he said, requiring technologies like Bluetooth to complement their work.

Such an app wrote, “We can replace a week of manual contact tracking with instantaneous signals to and from a central server.” “We do not intend to impose technology as a permanent change on society, but we believe that in these pandemic situations, protecting public health is necessary and justified.”

However, researchers still point out important challenges with this technology, such as the possibility that the device may link between the same building wall, car door, or different floors without close contact. . They argue that human investigators using low-tech interview techniques are important in determining actual risk.

“Bluetooth is promising, but very and problematic,” said John Scott-Railton, a senior research fellow. Citizen Lab At the Munch School at the University of Toronto. “We all found neighbor Bluetooth speakers through walls and floors, or saw someone’s headset in a traffic jam. That never meant that we were within the distance of those droplets This approach will create a lot of false positives until the engineer has a solid understanding of how to map Bluetooth to droplet distance. “

Singapore has achieved early success through TraceTogether, a Bluetooth tracking app. TraceTogether links people’s infection status to phone numbers. European government officials have also discussed using Bluetooth contact tracing. This allows state agencies to see data connected to people with persistent user IDs.

However, it may be difficult to be even limited. A Singapore app released last month uses Bluetooth to identify when people are within 6 feet of at least 30 minutes. If an infection is confirmed, a government official of the Ministry of Health and Welfare calls on the individual to take active quarantine measures.

Top executives in Singapore Said earlier this month Three-quarters of the nation’s population needed to download the contact trace app, so one in six people, or about one million Singaporeans, had previously installed the app. Singapore’s Prime Minister, Lee Shenlong, Said in a national speech Last week, the initiative stated that the outbreak could not be completely blunted.

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