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Loretto’s first COVID-19 vaccinated hospital in Chicago

Loretto’s first COVID-19 vaccinated hospital in Chicago


Loretto Hospital, Only 4 days later FDA has granted an emergency use authorization For Pfizer’s vaccine, Chicago’s first COVID-19 vaccine was given to five healthcare professionals.

The FDA’s committee recommended Thursday that the Moderna vaccine also receive an emergency use authorization.Chicago may start receiving shipments The vaccine will be next week.

Vaccines cannot come immediately.

Dr. Alison AlwadiA Commissioner of the Public Health Service in Chicago said more than 1,600 new COVID cases were seen daily in Chicago, with more than 150 deaths each week.

With the vaccine, she said Christmas had come early.

“Nothing I wanted for Christmas like this vaccine. It has a good safety profile and has a great effect … In the trial, it was 95% protected against COVID-19,” she said. It was.

Congressman Rashawnford Blacks were the worst victims of COVID-19, so it was important for the city to choose a hospital near the majority of blacks.

“Blacks have all the rights to be skeptical in the light of their community and the morbid history surrounding vaccines in this country,” he said.

He added that the kick-off of vaccines at Loretto is the first step in a campaign to educate and persuade people to vaccinate.

“If we can see people who appear to be vaccinated by blacks,” and then to be able to see that there are no fatal adverse effects, “it will help,” Ford said. Said.

Blacks and Hispanics have been hit hardest by COVID-19. CDC..

Blacks are 3.7 times more likely to be hospitalized and 2.8 times more likely to die from COVID-19 than whites.

“The fact that we were first vaccinated is a recognition that the lives of African Americans are not always fair because of the inequality and inequality that exists,” said George of Loretto Hospital. Miller said: Block Club Chicago Story..

Chicago receives an initial allocation of 23,400 doses of Pfizer’s vaccine. this is, 112 degrees and 76 degrees below zero.

Arwady said the vaccine would be returned to room temperature “before it gets into someone’s arm.”

At the time of shipment, the vaccine is in concentrated form and is given 5 times per vial. Dilute just before injection.

The doctor cleans the area, injects the patient’s arm, and places a band-aid over the injection site, Dr. Alwadi said.

“”[It’s a] It’s a very standard procedure, just like a regular vaccine, “she said.

Vaccinated people will not be fully vaccinated until the second vaccination. For Pfizer vaccines, the second dose will be given 21 days later, but those who have been vaccinated with Moderna will have to wait 28 days.

Alwadi said some patients may experience mild symptoms such as arm pain and muscle aches, but emphasized that these side effects were “short and not serious.”

Patients have the option to sign up for a voluntary service called v-safe, This allows you to notify the CDC of any side effects that occur.

Mayor Lori Lightfoot said the vaccine that arrived in Chicago was “a milestone in the history of our city.”

“They are forever … part of the history of the city of Chicago,” Wrightfoot said to each of the pair of vaccinated people and their patients.

According to Wrightfoot, the city will collect demographic information for each vaccinated person as part of an effort to ensure that doses reach where they are most needed.

Answers to demographic questions are mandatory. “Demographics are not optional. They cannot be skipped.”

Arwady emphasized that vaccination does not exempt people from following mitigation measures such as wearing masks, increasing social distance and complying with Chicago travel orders.

“It will take months before a sufficient number of Chicago citizens are vaccinated and can think about how the vaccine will affect some of these larger decisions.” She said.

In early 2021, Loretto Hospital will begin trials of ethnic minority-focused coronavirus vaccines.

Dr. Royce Clark, director of research at Loretto, said past drug therapies had to go on the market, but “because they weren’t properly tested in these groups,” they worked as expected in the minority population. I found that I wouldn’t.

The hospital hosts the city hall on the night January 6th on Facebook Live.. Members of the community have the opportunity to hear from a panel of healthcare professionals and ask questions about vaccine trials.

Exam participants receive two years of free medical care and can opt out of the exam at any time.

visit Loretto Hospital website For more information on COVID-19, vaccine testing and testing.

“I fully believe this is the beginning of the end of COVID-19 here in Chicago,” Dr. Arwady said on Tuesday.

“Happy vaccination day.”

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