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Coronavirus Face Mask: How to Make a Cover at Home Using a Cloth or Bandana



There are many resources to help you make a face mask at home.

SummerDance / iStock / Touchups by Sarah Tew / CNET

For the latest news and information about the Coronavirus pandemic, WHO Website.

Homemade masks and face covers are beginning to become a new norm when you go out-from masks with elastic straps to bandana masks with hair ties worn around the face. The latest recommendations for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are People who voluntarily wear cloth face covers in public places, Where there is a risk of sending Coronavirus From person to person taller than. We analyze what this has become, and understand what you need to know about making, wearing, purchasing and donating masks, as we understand that you must ask questions.

In a nutshell, let’s start with how big a homemade face mask has become, and why. Even before the CDC’s new recommendation, there was a growing trend of grassroots Make a face mask at home From common materials such as cotton fabrics, stretch, and sometimes filter materials. If you are considering creating your own face mask for personal use, provide resources and information to help you get started.

The main problem at the moment is N95 maskHelps protect medical professionals such as doctors and nurses Coronavirus. Another type of medical grade mask, the surgical mask, which has not been proven to effectively block the smallest particles that can transmit respiratory viruses, is also lacking. Stores such as Amazon And Target In response to the shortage, we stopped selling the N95 mask to the general public.

read more: Where to find and buy a face mask

That’s where handmade masks come in. Not all particles can be blocked, but can be useful in some situations (see below).

Because homemade masks come in a variety of patterns and styles, you will want to know the different options available. Also, some hospitals recommend certain designs over others. It also describes the materials needed to make the mask, where to buy ready-made masks, and where to donate additional masks you create.

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Remember that there is no strong evidence that homemade masks and face covers can keep you away Acquisition of coronavirus, But we lay out some potential benefits below when you wear something on your face Leave the house.

It is important to remember that handmade hand-sewn face masks need to be used in combination with the appropriate mask Avoid crowds In walks and shops Thorough hand washing It is still the most recommended medical advice to avoid transmitting the virus to healthy people.


One hand-sewn face mask pattern.

Face masks and face covers: what’s the difference?

CDC says,Face covering“Recommendations are not necessarily” face masks. ” What’s the difference? A face cover is a cloth that covers the nose and mouth, including a scarf and bandana wrapped around the face.

A face mask is a more specific shape that includes a material that usually fits better into the nose, mouth, and skull, such as when using ear straps.

Use “face covering” to cover and surgical and N95 mask It is very low in hospitals in New York and other countries.

The statement from the CDC is as follows. “Clothing covers made from household items or made at low cost from materials common at home can be used as an additional voluntary sanitation measure.”

How Homemade Face Masks Help

Homemade face mask patterns were available online before the coronavirus pandemic began. Most of them are intended to block large particles such as dust. Air pollution by cars, factories, or ash; and allergens such as pollen.

Face masks or covers other than N95 may not be able to block the smallest particles, but in addition to other precautions, wearing one has several advantages.

  • May block large particles emitted from sneezing and coughing
  • If you are infected with the virus but are asymptomatic in public, it may help protect others from sneezing and coughing
  • Encourage more mindful actions, such as keeping your mouth, nose and eyes out of the way
  • Peace of mind

Where can I buy a face mask without making it myself?

We have compiled a wider list for you Where and how to get a non-medical face mask From here you can also check the following stores (note that the stock will increase quickly):

It is recommended that you wash your purchased face mask to sterilize it before use.

Where to find face mask patterns to make yourself

When searching for patterns, look for patterns under the chin and under the chin for maximum coverage. Ideally, it fits snugly on your face. Sites such as Joan, Fabric and craft stores, and Pinterest Has patterns you can make, including how-to guides.

Some patterns show a folded design. Other shapes are similar to N95 or surgical mask.

If you are offering a face mask at a healthcare center or hospital (see below for details), please visit the hospital’s website.


You can take Joan off his face mask.


Materials needed to make a face mask at home

To get started with your DIY face mask, keep the following supplies at hand:

  • Cotton fabric
  • Elasticity
  • Sewing kit or sewing machine
  • Non-porous and breathable material between fabrics (this may be described in detail in the pattern)
  • Some designs are Filter material, Added to block smaller particles

Once the mask is completed, it is safe to put it in the washing machine or boil it in water to disinfect it. Next, air-dry in a place with good airflow or sunlight, such as in front of a window.

Option not to sew if sewing is not possible

If you don’t know where to start with your sewing, there is a face mask option without sewing. Instead of sewing the cloth, you can use a cloth glue and iron. Irons are used to fuse fabric and adhesive. You also need to use an iron to make pleats on the fabric and thicken the mask.

If you do not have these materials, Scarf and some hair tie Or use a rubber band to cover your face quickly-again for personal use.

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What to do if your ears grow

If the elastic strap begins to rub your ears, Headband with button. In this case, the stretch straps wrap around the buttons instead of the ears, which may improve your comfort.

Also, S ring hook To attach the straps, take the straps and place them around each U on the ring. When you are ready to wear the mask, place the S-ring behind your head. This helps the mask fit better around the face, as the ring helps pull the strap snugly.

Where you can donate your mask

If you want to donate a handmade face mask, you have several options: Joan And Hospitals and organizations on this list. Now, Joan Distribute free kits For those who want to make a donation at home. You can pick it up at a nearby Joanne location.

You can also search the Internet for donations from nearby face masks. Find out how these groups prefer to receive face masks and try to maintain social distance and wise habits while leaving.

Do you need a mask?

The CDC strongly recommends wearing face covers in public places, but this is optional. However, some cities require residents to wear a mask when going out. Laredo, Texas Resident refining $ 1,000 If you are not wearing a face mask in public places. Guthrie of Oklahoma Wearing cloth mask is mandatory Within city limits. Even the Pentagon Issue proxy For all Pentagon facilities to cover their faces.

Check with your local Chamber of Commerce or City Hall to see if your city has issued a power of attorney.

Here is to help further address the coronavirus in your area New CDC guidelines Everything you need to know about homemade face masks, Which face mask can help protect you from coronavirus And How to help kill the virus in your home and car After you do Went out.

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended for health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health care provider if you have questions about your medical condition or health goals.

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