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First Ebola outbreak in Congo after 50 days


Beni (Reuters)-Democratic Republic of the Congo recorded the first case of Ebola in more than 50 days, the government said on Friday and hopes that the second worst-case outbreak of the disease in history might end. finished.

Central African countries planned to declare the end of the outbreak on Sunday, which allowed their overstretched health workforce to focus on containment of the coronavirus that infected 215 and killed 20 Will be.

The first Ebola case since February 17 was a 26-year-old man in the Beni area of ​​eastern Congo.

Ebola has killed more than 2,200 people since August 2018 in unstable areas of the country where rebels have hampered efforts to contain it. The state is also trying to stop the spread of measles.

“This is a triple emergency now. Vulnerable people who may face an ongoing humanitarian crisis, the expansion of COVID-19, and the crisis of Ebola again,” said the International Commission on Great Lakes Emergency. Said Kate Moger, Vice President of Regional Affairs.

Ebola causes fever, bleeding, vomiting, and diarrhea and spreads through human fluids among humans. The current outbreak has killed about two-thirds of infected people.

Towards the end of the outbreak, flare-ups or one-off infections are common, and new cases do not necessarily mean that the virus spreads out of control again.

However, researchers say that it can remain in semen for more than 550 days and can be transmitted through sexual activity long after the patient recovers.

The World Health Organization (WHO) expects more cases to emerge and was ready to respond, said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, head of the organization.

“Unfortunately, this means that the (Congo) government cannot … declare the end of the outbreak as desired,” he said.

“But WHO and all partners remain on the ground and promise to work as before to end the outbreak.”

Congo has had 10 outbreaks of the virus since it was first detected in humans near the Ebola River in 1976. The largest occurred in West Africa between 2013 and 2016, killing more than 11,000 people.

This time, two new vaccines have had a significant impact on virus containment, but Muslim rebels have prevented healthcare workers from reaching some areas where the virus spreads.

At the end of last year, a fatal attack on health centers in and around Beni caused aid groups to suspend operations and withdraw staff from the last epidemic base.

For the forefront, such as Babamutssarsung, a doctor at Beni’s health research clinic, Friday’s news was a huge blow.

“It’s actually a step back. If we start managing pandemics and communicable diseases at the same time today, it will be impossible and very difficult to manage,” he said.

Report by Ericas Mwish Kambare of Beni and Benoit Niemba of Kinshasa. Additional report by Stephanie Nevehai in Geneva. Written by Edward McAllister and Hereard Holland. Edited by John Stone Street


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