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Not a summary of the real news: uncovering myths about “fake” vaccines, the death of COVID-19, etc. | Nation

Not a summary of the real news: uncovering myths about “fake” vaccines, the death of COVID-19, etc. | Nation
Not a summary of the real news: uncovering myths about “fake” vaccines, the death of COVID-19, etc. | Nation


Claim: According to a report released in Michigan this week, machines in the Dominion voting system in Antrim County, Michigan, “intentionally used unique errors to cause systematic fraud and influence election results. Designed. “

Michigan Electoral College

Protesters are standing outside the Capitol before members of the Michigan Electoral College vote on Monday, December 14, 2020 in Lansing, Michigan (AP Photo / Carlos Osorio).

Carlos Osorio

Still, the flood of false claims around Dominion is returning this week to Antrim County, Michigan. Starts there on election nightWhen confusion about clerk errors has driven social media users to accidentally blame the election management system used to aggregate the data. This week’s new focus on Dominion and Antrim County stems from a report released Monday as part of a proceeding seeking to challenge the county’s election results. Report on page 23 — Signed by former Republican candidate History of disseminating false information about Michigan elections — Dominion claims that it is “intentionally and deliberately designed with unique errors to cause systematic fraud and influence election results.”

The report argues that forensic analysis of voting machines found “machine errors built into voting software designed to create errors” and should not prove the outcome of the elections in Antrim County. I will. However, Hand tally Of all the presidential election votes in Antrim County completed on Thursday, it matches the results found by the voting machine, indicating that the voting machine is not making mistakes there. Joint statement released The analysis, by the Michigan Department of State and the Michigan Attorney General’s Office, strongly disputed that the analysis “has serious flaws and is full of dramatic conclusions with no evidence to support them.”

Antrim County officials agreed in a press release Tuesday, “The analysis that should have been based on data and facts is instead full of false unsupported claims, unfounded attacks, and misuse of jargon.” Said. Authorities explained thoroughly A human error that caused a small Republican-minded county to temporarily report informal results that reflected Joe Biden’s overwhelming victory. “It was because the clerk didn’t update the media drive on some machines in Antrim County. This is an accidental human error,” the Michigan State Department said in a release. “Reporting errors are common and have always been caught and fixed in county solicitations, if not previously, as in Antrim County,” county clerk Cheryl Guy told AP. There was no malice or fraud here. It was just a human error. ” The mistake has been corrected.

Some social media users, including Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani and the president himself, claim to be based on a review of aggregated logs three days after the election date for counties with a “68% error rate.” I quoted the mention of the report. The author of the report did not explain every error he saw, or what “error rate” means. County officials told AP that they didn’t know the number because they didn’t have the opportunity to look up the data. The report, released on Monday, also included many other condemned claims about Dominion. “The disinformation campaign against Dominion is contrary to facts and logic,” Poulos said. “To date, no one has created credible evidence of fraudulent voting or voting switching in the Dominion system, as these have not happened.”


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