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Vaccine hesitage posts use seemingly edited video clips

Vaccine hesitage posts use seemingly edited video clips
Vaccine hesitage posts use seemingly edited video clips


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Social media pages that share messages against vaccines use selectively edited news clips that suggest that the COVID-19 vaccine is unsafe. This clip shows a nurse fainting after vaccination, but does not show her rapid recovery after explaining that she is prone to fainting if caused by slight pain.

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A Facebook post fueling suspicion of the COVID-19 vaccine diverted a newsclip showing that one of the first nurses was shot in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Local NBC affiliate photograph The first vaccination given at CHI Memorial Hospital on December 17th. 6 healthcare workers It was Tiffany Dover, a nurse in the hospital’s emergency room, who received the vaccine during the promotional event.

“It was a tough time,” Dover said of the pandemic. “We have overcome that, but I think this vaccination gives us hope.”

After taking the shot, Dover began to go crazy and then fainted. This was shown in the newsclip.

Shortly thereafter, she told a television reporter, “I have had an excessive vagal response, so if I have any pain from something-hangnail or pierce my toes-I can just faint. You can do it. “

Dover report After fainting, she said, “I’m fine.” “In fact, my arm pain is negligible, but it doesn’t take long,” she said, presuming she fainted “six times in the last six weeks.”

The hospital statement The next day, quoting Dr. Jesse Tucker’s words, “The fainting episode is not a side effect of the vaccine, but it is related to her condition.”

Basically “overactive vagal reaction” means The nerves that control heart rate and blood pressure send false signals, slowing the heart while dilating blood vessels, and collecting blood in the legs, causing the brain to not get enough oxygen. This reaction is often caused by pain and faints a person.

that is”It’s very common. ” Explanation According to Cedars-Sinai, this condition “mostly affects children and young adults, but can occur at any age.”

Syncope can also occur after any type of vaccine. by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

According to the CDC website, it is most commonly reported in relation to the three vaccines given to adolescents: HPV, MCV4 and Tdap. “Scientists believe that syncope is due to the vaccination process, not the vaccine itself,” because these vaccines contain a variety of ingredients, the website says.

According to the CDC, “syncope itself is generally not serious, but harm from related falls and other accidents can cause injuries.” “The main concern is head injuries.”

CDC Recommended People receiving the COVID-19 vaccine will observe the patient for the next 15 minutes to prevent injuries due to fainting.

However, none of that information was given in a Facebook post showing Dover’s fainting.

Instead, these posts contain captions that falsely suggest that there is something dangerous about the vaccine.

“The CCU manager faints in the middle of a live broadcast after receiving COVE idD Vackseen” was the caption that accompanies the version. clip Acquired hundreds of thousands of views within 24 hours Frequently that page Post a vaccine repellent message.

another account Has a history of vaccine repellent messages Said: “Watch this nurse die after receiving the COVID vaccine, but it’s very safe, right? Why do people continue to follow these rabies dictators?”

As I wrote earlier, no serious safety concerns have been reported regarding the currently available COVID-19 vaccine, but some healthcare professionals who took the vaccine Allergies reaction.. (to see “Pfizer / BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Guide“” and”Q & A about COVID-19 vaccine“For many.)

For more information on the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine Available From the CDC.

Editor’s Note: is one of several organizations Working on Facebook To uncover false information shared on social media.Our previous story can be found here..


Foots, Mary Francis. “”First dose of COVID-19 vaccine given at Chattanooga Hospital on Thursday.. WRC Btv. December 17, 2020.

CHI Memorial Hospital. Press release.. twitter. December 18, 2020.

Cedars Sinai. Vagus nerve fainting.. Accessed on December 18, 2020.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Syncope after vaccination (syncope).. Accessed on December 18, 2020.

McDonald’s, Jessica. “”Pfizer / BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Guide.. Updated December 12, 2020.

McDonald’s, Jessica. “”Q & A about COVID-19 vaccine.. December 18, 2020.

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