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Stanford University apologizes after protest against exclusion of frontline workers from coronavirus vaccine

Stanford University apologizes after protest against exclusion of frontline workers from coronavirus vaccine


The Stanford University turnaround is due to some doctors who have requested that other healthcare professionals, including unaccompanied pathologists and radiologists, know why they are vaccinated before they are vaccinated. Following a noisy demonstration.

Residents who are graduates of the medical school who have been working in hospitals for several years while studying specialized fields such as emergency medical care, critical care, and infectious diseases are hospitalized only 7 out of 1,300 or more people in the medical center. I was furious when it became clear. The first round of vaccination. It also affected “fellows” who work in hospitals while further training subspecialties, nurses and other staff.

The event took place shortly after residents were asked to volunteer for additional work due to the surge in covid-19 cases that California is experiencing.

A resident email obtained by The Washington Post stated that “the Stanford vaccine algorithm could not prioritize home staff,” because early doctors were collectively known. .. “This shouldn’t have happened — we appreciate you and the work you do,” the email said. “We were told that the inhabitants and peers would be the first wave. This should never have happened and should not have been developed that way.”

A resident who spoke on anonymous terms because she believed that public criticism of Stanford could harm her career said she was grateful for Stanford’s swift pledge to remedy the situation. .. However, she said, “residents, home staff, and the people who support us have been excluded from the development of the algorithm, with unacceptable results.”

In another email, Stanford University Chief Medical Officer Niraj L. Sehgal said, “I sincerely apologize for the hardships today.”

“Keep in mind that the lack of priority of residents and fellows was not intended at all,” he added.

Dozens of doctors gathered at the Palo Alto campus on Friday to protest. The group carries signs that say “transparency” and “keep the front lines,” and some college officials work for orthopedists, dermatologists, and even the first wave of vaccination at home. He accused him of choosing a teacher and excluding workers who would treat patients directly. -surface.

“Despite working more than 80 hours a week in a hospital treating COVID-19 patients, residents and fellows were basically not included in the first round of vaccines.” Tweet Stanford University Fellow Earth Hassari.

Posted by video San Francisco Chronicle In the front lobby of the facility and on the stairs full of doctors wearing blue medical masks, he said, “Healthcare hero, no support!” Immediately after that, the demonstration moved to the front of the building.

The scene calmed down when David Entwhistle, head of Stamford Health, spoke to the crowd. Chronicle.. “We will fix it,” he said. “We know it’s wrong.”

A Stanford Healthcare spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Friday.

Demonstrations in Stanford could foresee similar controversies nationwide as the federal government and state begin the painstaking process of distributing the first limited supply of vaccines.

“The disparity in vaccine distribution can be seen at the micro level at Stanford University today,” said Christine Santiago, a resident of Stanford University. Said on twitter.. “I’m worried that the situation we see at Stanford is a precursor to population-level inequality in vaccine distribution to underserved communities.”

Janice M. Orlowski, Chief Healthcare Officer of the American Association of Medical Colleges, which oversees medical education in the United States, said the group had previously notified a large academic medical center: “Residents, fellows and medical students need to be considered. They are planning to distribute vaccines, so” direct patient care as an essential worker “.

Lateshia Beachum and Hannah Knowles contributed to this report.

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