Zika infection affects the development of the fetal retina during pregnancy, but not after birth
Although the SARS-CoV-2 virus dominated the news last year, researchers continue to study the health effects of the Zika virus, which has been reported in 86 countries around the world.
Zika virus is mainly transmitted by the bite of infected mosquitoes of the genus Aedes aegypti. However, it may also pass between sexual contact, blood transfusions, organ transplants, and pregnant mothers and babies. The virus has been reported to cause a variety of birth defects, including microcephaly and various neurological, musculoskeletal, and eye abnormalities.
A new study by Glenn Yiu, an associate professor of ophthalmology, and Koen Van Rompay, a core scientist at the National Center for Primate Research in California, found that early pregnancy Zika fever affects fetal retina development, resulting in congenital eyeballs. It turns out that it can cause it. Abnormal. However, the virus does not appear to affect postnatal eye growth.
Congenital infections with the Zika virus are known to lead to eye defects, but it was unclear whether the virus would continue to replicate after birth or affect eye development. Our study in rhesus monkeys suggests that the virus primarily affects fetal development during pregnancy, but not postnatal eye growth. “
Glenn Yiu, Associate Professor of Ophthalmology, University of California, Davis
In this collaboration between the UC Davis Eye Center and the National Center for Primate Research in California, two pregnant rhesus monkeys were infected with the Zika virus later in the first semester. Later, eye development in infants exposed to Zika was studied for the first two years after birth.
Birth defects of the eye
Infant monkeys exposed to Zika showed no microcephaly or obvious neurological or behavioral deficits. However, the baby showed some birth defects in the eye. Defects included large coloboma, lack of eye gaps due to abnormal development. Infant monkeys exposed to Zika fever also showed loss of photoreceptors (light-sensing cells of the retina) and retinal ganglion neurons that help transmit visual information to the brain.
Despite congenital eye malformations at birth, their eyes appeared to follow normal development for the first two years.
Research results suggest that eye defects due to Zika infection occur primarily in utero and are unlikely to have a continuous effect on postnatal eye development.
Rhesus monkeys are the natural host of the virus and share similar immune and eye characteristics as humans, such as the characteristics of the blood-retinal barrier and the unique presence of the macula, compared to typical laboratory animals such as mice and rats. It is an excellent model of infected animals.The survey results have been published at JCI Insight, An open access peer-reviewed journal specializing in biomedical research.
Journal reference:
Yiu, G. , et al. (2020) Evolution of macaque eye defects after intrauterine Zika virus infection. JCI Insight.
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