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Vaccination with the Covid-19 vaccine was emotional and stimulating for these healthcare professionals.

Vaccination with the Covid-19 vaccine was emotional and stimulating for these healthcare professionals.
Vaccination with the Covid-19 vaccine was emotional and stimulating for these healthcare professionals.


After months of treating patients destroyed by Covid-19, as well as those who had a car accident or heart attack, Dr. Andrew Matuskowitz was exhausted and exhausted. The doctor works at the Medical University of South Carolina at Charleston.

“I didn’t really feel like getting the vaccine emotionally,” 37-year-old Matuskowitz told CNN. “Still, I felt that I had overcome this almost ecstasy with this idea that the end was actually coming.”

Joy, hope, and excitement are some of the emotions these healthcare professionals feel. Here are some of their stories:

“As usual” even on the day of vaccination

Thanks. This is the term used by Matuskowitz, a doctor in the emergency room, to describe how he feels after being vaccinated on Thursday.

He was surprised when he actually felt the importance of a syringe containing the vaccine he was looking for.

“I rushed to the nursery every other day and was exhausted with everything,” Matuskowitz said. “When I was walking to get the vaccine, during the vaccination, and then driving home, I found myself really emotional.”

When she was vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine, the doctor learned that she had lost her 27th patient to the virus.

The last six months since South Carolina’s summer wave of Covid-19 meant that Matuskowitz and his colleagues had to continue to treat patients in a “business as usual” manner. He said he did.

Feeling the same this week, he said he noticed a “vortex of excitement” about the vaccine coming from a colleague.

“All the clinicians and all the nurses I talked to were enthusiastic about vaccination,” he said. “There is great enthusiasm from the front-line medical community.”

Be part of the solution

Sandra Lindsay, an ICU nurse at the Long Island Jewish Medical Center in Queens First person in new york And I got the vaccine first in the United States. It was unfolded for everyone to witness at a live video event on Monday.

“I’m not afraid,” she told CNN. “I trust science. My profession is deeply rooted in science. I trust science. What I can’t trust is to get Covid-19, because that’s it. I don’t know how it will affect me and the people around me. Transfer the virus to. “

Sandra Lindsay (left), a nurse at the Long Island Jewish Medical Center, was vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccine by Dr. Michel Chester in New York City on December 14, 2020.

After taking the shot, she told CNN’s Anderson Cooper that she felt “great.”

“I want to be part of the solution to end this pandemic altogether,” she told CNN. “I also think of myself as the leader of an organization that sets an example and leads. I don’t ask people to do what I don’t do.”

Parent-child relationship and frontline juggling

Julia Slovis, 33, returned to the Philadelphia Children’s Hospital Children’s Emergency Department from maternity leave in June and entered a pandemic.

She and her husband, Benjamin, 35, like many, work at the forefront of a pandemic and are parents of two toddlers. He works in medicine just four miles away as an assistant professor and director of clinical computer science at Thomas Jefferson University School of Emergency Medicine.

“Overall, it was education and coordination,” according to Julia, as a parent to keep inspiring children at home and as a healthcare professional working with patients who fight the virus.

“I’m very excited to start the process of returning the world to normal. My vaccine is just one part of it,” Julia told CNN. “Vaccination can be a little bit of a sense of community unity to bring this world back to normal.”

Who should and should not be vaccinated against Covid-19 vaccine

Benjamin vaccinated Wednesday and told CNN that he was “totally healthy and happy” with no side effects.

And although he has already been vaccinated, Julia filed a proceeding on Saturday, and the couple said getting it would not change their habits. They both plan to continue wearing face masks, avoid vacation plans with family and friends, and practice social distance and good hygiene.

Benjamin, who sat down to get the vaccine, said he felt lucky and cautiously optimistic that the pandemic “this could lead to the beginning of the end.”

“Did I sigh of relief?” He said. “It just means that nothing has changed so far, but I certainly felt the hope that I could think about the future.”

The pair will receive a second dose in January.

One step closer to hugging your family

In the last eight months, infectious disease doctor Dr. Saumil Doshi, 43, said he had personally examined up to 200 coronavirus patients. Doshi is also the Infectious Disease Fellowship Program Director at the MedStar Washington Hospital Center in Washington, DC.

“I remember seeing more patients Tends to be ventilated It’s been a week longer than I’ve seen in my entire career, “Doshi said. “It was pretty scary. That’s another reason I’m excited to see the vaccine coming out. I don’t want to see it again,” he said.

Dosi was one of the frontline workers vaccinated on Friday.

“I am excited and grateful for the amazing cooperation between scientists to make this possible,” he said. “But I also noticed that we were far from the finish line. I took a shot and went back to work with the mask on.”

After reviewing the data and carefully monitoring the approval process, it was easy to choose to vaccinate, Doshi said.

“There was so much work spent developing this,” he said. “So many people looked at the data and were independent of the company that developed the vaccine, so I’m confident that all steps were taken to ensure safety.”

What we know about the Moderna coronavirus vaccine and how it differs from the Pfizer vaccine

“Vaccination was an easy decision, but it wasn’t what I lightly vaccinated,” he said.

With the Covid-19 vaccine, Doshi takes one step closer to hugging parents he hasn’t seen since March. This is what I was looking forward to after missing the following vacations: Diwali And Thanksgiving Under one roof.

“Even after vaccination, you need to wear a mask and stay at a social distance until the pandemic is suppressed,” he said. “It will require more people to be vaccinated.”

And even after the second dose that Doshi receives in three weeks, he said it’s still possible to get Covid-19 because the vaccine isn’t 100% effective.

“I feel good” about the development of the vaccine

On Monday, the Boston Medical Center received the Covid-19 vaccine shipment, first obtained the vaccine in Massachusetts, and began vaccination of medical staff that week.

“Staff are” feeling good “about this important turning point in the pandemic,” the hospital wrote on Instagram.

So, to show how good they were, some of them rushed into a dance sequence choreographed in one of Rizzo’s songs.

Others have a post-injection opportunity Covid-19 vaccine sticker selfieThere is hope and peace of mind here to help, in the hope of showing that “people who come to the hospital are confident that they will enter a safe and protected place.”

How the scientific community got together to make a vaccine is a celebration. Matuskowitz said he hopes it won’t be lost to people.

“The joint effort of this single vision was a big part of why I felt so grateful and happy,” he said. “Like the flu, I think Covid is always with us, but now there are ways to prevent it and reduce our ability to influence us. Knowledge based on all this scientific research , An amazing human achievement. “


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