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Why do I want to have a heart test when I have been infected with COVID-19?

Why do I want to have a heart test when I have been infected with COVID-19?


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According to experts, if you have a serious case of COVID-19, you may want to have your heart checked.Rudis Aldi / Getty Images
  • Although COVID-19 is associated with lung symptoms, heart side effects are just as important.
  • According to experts, if you have a serious case of COVID-19, it is important to have your heart screened before resuming exercise.
  • According to experts, cardiac screening is not mandatory for mild cases of COVID-19 or asymptomatic patients.

For patients who have recovered from COVID-19, the desire to return to normal life can be overwhelming.

However, before returning to normal routines, especially exercise routines, doctors urge survivors of COVID-19 to check their hearts first.

“Patients infected with COVID-19 experience many inflammations and coagulations in the heart and lungs, depending on medication and the severity of the disease, which can impair blood flow to these organs. We know. ” Dr. Thomas Good, Vice Chairman of Staten Island University Hospital.

“If you start to get active again and your heart and lungs start demanding more power, that can cause you to run into problems,” Gut said.

That is, we usually associate COVID-19 with lung symptoms, Side effects of the heart What you need to know is just as important.

Exercise with COVID-19-related heart problems can lead to arrhythmias and sudden heart death.

Doctors want to ensure that patients who return to exercise after recovering from COVID-19 can resume exercise as safely as possible.

Almost a quarter of people hospitalized with COVID-19 develop Myocardial injury Or damage to heart tissue.

People with COVID-19 also developed thromboembolic disease or thrombosis and arrhythmias.

“People hospitalized with COVID-19 are worried about the heart because they have a lot of data showing that the heart muscle is involved in the virus,” he said. Dr. Sean Heflon, Associate Professor, School of Medicine, New York University Grossman School of Medicine.

“With that knowledge, we are concerned about the long-term effects of COVID-19 infection on the structure and function of the heart, and the safety of exercise after infection,” said Heflon.

Exercising too fast or too fast without being aware of your heart condition can have adverse effects. This is due to the long-term effects of COVID-19, which is still being studied.

“The body, heart, and lungs work on demand,” Gut said. “The body needs more blood flow and oxygen [while exercising], Signals the heart and lungs to pump hard. “

“In situations where the heart or lungs are restricted or damaged, the heart or lungs can harm themselves if they try only to maintain oxygenation and blood flow to all organs. There is, “he said.

Who should be tested and what type of test is recommended depends on the individual and the severity of his or her specific symptoms or diagnosis.

According to the survey from the end of October, “Return to playIs for competitive sports athletes, high school athletes, and recreational masters athletes who are 35 years of age or older and train for specific competitions.

The study talked to your doctor and recommended that you have a heart screen. Recommended for moderate to severe COVID-19 athletes, these tests include:

  • Electrocardiography (EKG or ECG). This records the electrical signal of your heart. It’s a good way to test for arrhythmias.
  • Echocardiography. It uses sound waves to produce an image of the heart like an ultrasound. It is used to detect problems with the valves and ventricles of the heart.
  • Troponin blood test. It measures the level of troponin T or troponin I protein in the blood.these Protein is released When the heart muscle is damaged.
  • MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging creates detailed images of organs, including the heart. Test for size and function, degree of damage, structural problems, or inflammation.

Cardiac screening is not considered mandatory for mild cases of COVID-19 or asymptomatic patients.

“The more serious an illness an individual has, the more cautious they are in returning them to their daily lives.” Dr. Sahadeo Ramnout, NewYork-Presbyterian Medical Group Queens cardiologist.

“People who are hospitalized or intubated show a more serious illness. The worse the illness, the more cautious we are,” Ramnout said.

The screening required depends on the individual. It can be as simple as a basic EKG, or it can require a doctor to have an MRI if it causes more concern.

“Each case is individualized,” Ramnauth added. “If you have mild symptoms and do not feel any restrictions on your basic activity level, go slowly and check your feelings.”

It is important to easily return to your exercise routine, regardless of where you have fallen into the area of ​​COVID-19 infection.

“Don’t overdo it,” Ramnauth said. “If you’re running 10 miles a day, try half of it and slowly increase it in the next few days.”

Of course, pay attention to the warning signs and listen to your body.

“Chest pain will be a sign of a pause for a giant red giant,” Gut said. “If you’re experiencing shortness of breath earlier than you remember before, it’s a warning sign.”

If you have any of these symptoms, it is important to stop exercising and consult your doctor.


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