MOH investigating 13 Covid-19 cases serving SHN at Mandarin Orchard Hotel, Singapore News & Top Story

Singapore-13 people who were identified as infected with Covid-19 last month and were classified as imported cases when they were notified at home (SHN) at the Mandarin Orchard Singapore Hotel may have been infected after arriving here. there is.
Due to the incident, all hotel guests were gradually checked out of Mandarin Orchard, about 500 staff were inspected for Covid-19, and the hotel was thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
However, experts said the problem is unlikely to cause a wave of infection here, given that more than a month has passed since the Covid-19 infection was confirmed. That would have been enough for two incubation periods of 14 days each.
Thirteen people were suspected of being infected here because they flew from 10 countries, including the United States, South Korea, the United Kingdom, the Philippines, and Bahrain, but were infected with a “high” coronavirus strain. “Genetic similarity” means that the infection may have come from one cause.
Thirteen guests were also confirmed to be infected with SHN from October 22nd to November 11th in the same tower of the hotel and to Covid-19 from November 2nd to 11th.
In a joint statement on Saturday (December 19th), the Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Singapore Tourism Board said: “This suggests that these cases are likely to have come from similar sources.”
Singapore regularly performs viral genome sequencing and phylogenetic analysis to track the viral family tree from all confirmed cases. This usually takes about 4 weeks.
Once the association between the 13 cases became apparent, MOH investigated the situation more deeply to see if these people could have been infected locally rather than being infected before arriving here. confirmed.
Authorities said: “MOH’s preliminary investigation cannot rule out that the transmission may have occurred in Mandarin Orchard Singapore.”
They added that genome sequencing and analysis continued in cases after November 11.
The MOH said it would test everyone else currently servicing SHN for Covid-19 infection at Mandarin Orchard, rather than waiting to test towards the end of the 14-day period for SHN. .. Most have been tested.
We also require all guests staying at the hotel after November 11th to carefully monitor their health for 14 days from the date of their last stay.
If you experience symptoms such as coughing, sore throat, runny nose, fever, loss of taste or smell, you should see a doctor.

The people servicing SHN were housed in 446 rooms on the 28th floor of the hotel’s main tower, separated from other towers called Orchard Wings, but the hotel checked everyone by Sunday as a precautionary measure. Said to be out.
The Mandarin Orchard case happens even when Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong recently announced Singapore. From December 28th, Covid-19 measures will be further relaxed. This is because the rate of local transmission is low here. This includes allowing the current 5 to 8 people to eat out together.
Alex Cook, an associate professor of public health at Sourceweehok, who specializes in biostatistics and modeling, does not believe that the potential for the spread of the virus in Mandarin Orchard would upset this.
He states: “I would be surprised if there was a significant undetected local spread between those days and the present.”
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