In California, wealthy patients offer the highest amount to cut the COVID-19 vaccine line
Video above: How does the vaccine distribution process work? Record-level new COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are seen in the United States, but wealthy patients in Southern California, at the heart of the state’s COVID-19 crisis, are offering to pay for many in Southern California. At a concierge medical institution, doctors say they received a call from a wealthy client asking if they had early access to extreme vaccines. Limited supply of vaccine doses in exchange for financial contributions to hospitals or charities. Jeff Toll, a privileged physician at the Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, said a patient offered to donate $ 25,000 to the hospital in exchange for an early vaccination. Thor’s clinic serves healthy customers, including CEOs and entertainers, but doctors are distributed to those who need the most protection in the first round of vaccines, so He says he has to wait for the patient. Earlier this week, we received 327,000 California Pfizer vaccines and made the first injections to front-line healthcare professionals fighting the virus, which has killed more than 22,000 people across the state since the outbreak of the pandemic. “Of these powerful people, let’s say,” No, you have to wait, “” Thor said. “These people usually don’t have to wait.” Thor has already purchased a special ultra-low temperature freezer in anticipation of his practice applying to California, becoming a client’s vaccine distribution center and storing Pfizer vaccine vials. I said that I am doing it. .. “They wanted it yesterday,” Dr. David Nazarian, MD of Beverly Hills’ Micom Shelge MD, said many A-list clients were in contact with him, saying that money was not an issue to get the vaccine early. “They wanted it yesterday,” Nazarian said. “We follow the rules, but when the vaccine becomes available, we will do everything we can to secure and distribute the vaccine.” In Southern California, the hospital intensive care unit for the past few weeks. So, the unprecedented new COVID-19 infection and hospitalization are on the rise. Dr. Abe Malkin, founder of Concierge MDLA, said health officials have issued disastrous warnings as the volume plummeted to 0% and the virus remained out of control. “I think 5-10% of them were willing to contribute to charity and line themselves up,” Malkin said. Malkin’s practice also applies to becoming a vaccine distributor, but focuses on the newly FDA-approved Moderna vaccine. This vaccine is easy to handle because it does not have the same extreme temperature storage requirements as Pfizer doses. California Governor Gavin News om warns that the state is “very active in keeping those who have the means, those who have influence, from crowding those who are most suitable for the vaccine.” Did. Someone who thinks because they have resources or have a relationship that allows them to do it. “We plan to monitor this very closely this month,” said Newsam, “prioritizing and expecting everyone in the healthcare delivery system to adhere to the same ethical standards of true prioritization.” And need. And the true heroes of this pandemic are front-line healthcare professionals, they are the people we have to protect, and we must prioritize moving forward. . ”
Video above: How does the vaccine distribution process work?
The country continues to see record-breaking new COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths, but wealthy patients in Southern California, the epicenter of the state’s COVID-19 crisis, cut the line and the first one. I am offering to pay the maximum amount to get the vaccine.
In many Southern California concierge medical practices, doctors call from wealthy clients asking if they have early access to a very limited vaccine dose supply in exchange for financial contributions to hospitals and charities. I say I received it.
Dr. Jeff Toll, a privileged physician at the Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, said a patient offered to donate $ 25,000 to the hospital in exchange for an early vaccination. Toll’s clinic serves healthy customers, including CEOs and entertainers, but doctors are distributed to those who need the most protection in the first round of vaccines, so He says he has to wait for the patient.
Earlier this week, California received 327,000 Pfizer vaccines and made the first injections to front-line healthcare workers fighting the virus, which has killed more than 22,000 people across the state since the outbreak of the pandemic.
“I think one of the difficulties is that doctors who care for these powerful people can say,’No, you have to wait,'” Thor said. “These people usually don’t have to wait.”
Mr. Thor said his practice has been applied to California and has already purchased a special ultra-low temperature freezer in anticipation of becoming a customer’s vaccine distribution center and storing Pfizer vaccine vials.
“They wanted it yesterday.”
Dr. David Nazarian of Beverly Hills Micom Shelge MD said many of his A-list clients are in contact with him and that money doesn’t matter if it helps them get the vaccine faster. ..
“They wanted it yesterday,” Nazarian said. “We act according to the rules, but we do everything we can to secure and distribute the vaccine when it becomes available.”
In Southern California, new COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations have surged unprecedentedly in recent weeks, hospital intensive care unit capacity has plummeted to 0%, and health officials continue to lose control of the virus. Is issuing a disastrous warning.
Dr. Abe Malkin, founder of Concierge MDLA, said he received more than 100 calls from people seeking early access to the first dose.
“I think 5-10% of them were willing to make some contribution to the charity to line them up,” Malkin said.
Malkin’s practices also apply to becoming a vaccine distributor, but focus on the newly FDA-approved Moderna vaccine, which is easier to handle because it does not have the same extreme temperature storage requirements as Pfizer’s dose. I’m guessing.
California Governor Gavin Newsom warned that “people who have the means, those who are influential, are very willing to keep the people who are most suitable for the vaccine out of the crowd.”
“For those who think they can stay ahead, who have resources, or who are thinking because of the relationships that make it possible,” Newsom said this month. “We will monitor this very closely.” It was. ..
“We prioritize, and we expect everyone in the healthcare delivery system to be bound by the same ethical standards of true prioritization, those who need it most. And this The real heroes of the pandemic are the front-line healthcare professionals. They are the people we have to protect and we must prioritize moving forward. “
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