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Nursing homes face the daunting task of getting consent before vaccination with the coronavirus vaccine.

Nursing homes face the daunting task of getting consent before vaccination with the coronavirus vaccine.


Obtaining consent is one of the most difficult hurdles when authorities mobilize to inoculate residents of these facilities, many of whom suffer from dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

In such cases, the facility will need to track relatives and attorneys, which can take days or weeks. In some cases, disagreements over whether family members should vaccinate their loved ones require resolution of the dispute.

Even healthy-minded residents may be worried about the new vaccine and may need time to weigh the risks and benefits and consult with their relatives.

Federal health officials prioritized vaccines for long-term care residents and staff after the outbreak devastated the facility. Killed more than 113,000 residents and staff And it accounts for more than one-third of all US covid-19 deaths. Secretary of Health and Welfare Alex Azar recently said the government has the ability to inoculate all caregivers by Christmas. However, vaccinated retail pharmacies have shown that the process can take months as a result of logistical and consent challenges that require multiple visits to the facility. The process occurs over a period that is predicted to be the most deadly period of the pandemic.

“It’s a mess,” said Mike Wasserman, medical director of a California facility and former president of the California Long-Term Care Medical Association, who is talking about deploying to other nursing homes. “The federal government does not provide a good direction, the direction is changing day by day, and we can get different stories from different people at different levels.”

Nursing homes and other long-term care facility operators are struggling to resolve conflicting directions.

The government partnership with Walgreens and CVS to distribute the vaccine has given the discretion to secure permits in the way companies desire. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which oversees the partnership, advised that verbal consent was sufficient.

But the pharmacy wanted more, so it imposed much stricter consent rules than those used by nursing homes to vaccinate against seasonal flu. The pharmacy got better after receiving the complaint.

Proponents say the turmoil could have been prevented if the Trump administration first instructed pharmacies that verbal permits would suffice.

“A few months before the vaccine was approved, we knew we needed to address these complex logistical issues once the vaccine was launched,” said the California Nursing Home Reform Advocate. Said Mike Dark, a staff lawyer at California. “If people in need of the vaccine do not receive it, we will see more deaths and more infections.”

By encouraging coordinated education campaigns and safe family visits, the federal government took steps to reach out to the facility prior to vaccination, allowing residents to discuss decisions directly, Dark said. Stated.

The CVS initially stated that it would require three hardcopy written consents from each resident or its agent. They planned to mail the form to a facility where some nursing home operators fretted did not arrive a week before the shot was administered. Homes and supporters complained that these requirements were annoying and frustrating, especially when they needed to track family signatures.

A spokesman said the CVS now allows decision-makers to give verbal consent and accepts email consent from medical decision makers for those who cannot. ..

A Walgreens spokeswoman said the form was distributed to the facility a few days before the vaccination clinic and could be marked to show verbal consent. Walgreens executive Ed Kaleta said last week that pharmacies have become more flexible about what they accept to show their consent.

“Many long-term facilities say that consent forms can be done verbally or electronically. Therefore, for facilities that allow the creation of consent forms, it is clearly easier to do so. We comply, “he said in a webinar hosted by the Alliance for Health Policy.

Peter Van Rankle, secretary-general of the Ohio Healthcare Association, a long-term care industry group, said facilities that needed enough time for consent remained confused by the diversion.

“If you were there and talking about talented people a few days before the clinic worked,” Van Rankle said. “When I had to go out to find someone and get their consent, it didn’t work for a few days. It would have been nice if I had more time to get my consent.”

HHS and Operation Warp Speed ​​officials, who oversee the distribution process, did not answer questions about whether the federal government should rationalize consent rules or start the process early.

Several HHS officials said they warned that it would take time to get consent at the care facility, especially because some residents and employees were hesitant to get the vaccine. Anonymous because they were not allowed to discuss the issue. They raised these concerns to the Warpspeed authorities, and there were high-level adjustments to allow nursing homes to start the process faster before the Food and Drug Administration approved the Pfizer-Bio N-Tech vaccine. He said there was a possibility.

Scott Gottlieb, a former FDA commissioner under President Trump, also said the HHS could have been more aggressive in combating potential delays.

“They may have been able to begin implementing their consent sooner, but they need to clear the vaccine fact sheet through the FDA in order to properly disclose the expected risks and benefits to the patient’s family. There was, “he said.

However, some officials warned that such a fact sheet would not have helped the process if the FDA’s review of Pfizer’s vaccine produced additional data and risks that were not yet known.

“FDA staff were reviewing the terms of approval and the Pfizer-BioNTech fact sheet. This is a risk that providers need to know before vaccination of patients until approval. It contains many important details that providers need, such as, “says Stephanie. Caccomo, an FDA spokeswoman. “This information must be absolutely accurate and complete. Incomplete or outdated information will adversely affect the delivery of the vaccine to the recipient.”

Warpspeed officials refused to address the recording issue. Trump administration executives said the deployment could be even more confused if staff distributed such fact sheets and were forced to return to relatives and residents to explain new side effects after an FDA evaluation. Stated.

“It wasn’t the plan for Slam Dunk that the quarterbackers on Monday morning suggested,” said an official who spoke openly on condition of anonymity.

Vaccination began last week in a handful of nursing homes, including Florida and Ohio.

General Gustav F. Perna, who oversees the logistics of federal vaccine distribution operations under Operation Warp Speed, said on Wednesday that 1,100 of the 70,000 facilities would receive the vaccine by Monday and then expand to “thousands” a day. Stated. He said West Virginia, Florida, Ohio, and Connecticut were the first states.

Sae Yamamoto Messenger, a care ombudsman in West Virginia, said some nursing home networks need to develop their own consent forms while waiting for clearer guidance.

“People seemed to have had a good chance of getting a skeleton agreement, so our facility could deploy the vaccine as soon as possible,” said the messenger.

Some nursing home operators said they found other ways to move things. Sunrise Senior Living, which operates 275 facilities in the United States, sent a survey to residents and families to measure their interest in vaccines and found that 92% wanted vaccines when available.

Professor David Grabowski of Harvard Medical School, who monitors nursing homes during a pandemic, said early conversations about consent were important for vaccine deployment.

Communication between the facility and the family has been disrupted due to restricted visits, increasing the demand on nursing home staff. Some patients who can make their own decisions will resist the vaccine if they feel they are in the vaccine.

“We shouldn’t think of ways to fly an airplane while in the air,” he said. “I should have done it before takeoff”

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