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Antibiotics from cockroaches may save lives, discover collaborative research led by American University of Sharjah


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The possibility of developing antibiotics that fight bacteria from molecules contained in cockroaches is under investigation in a joint study led by the American University of Sharjah (AUS).

“More than 17 million people worldwide die each year from bacterial infections. We are approaching the pre-antibiotic era when bacteria become resistant to over-the-counter drugs. Preventing bacterial infections and / Or there is an urgent need to find a new way to treat it .. We have many of the cockroaches that kill 100% of the bacteria that cause infections in different parts of the body, such as MRSA, E. coliK1. I found the molecule of.

These molecules do not adversely affect human cells, “said Dr. Naveed Khan, a professor at the AUS University of Arts and Sciences (CAS) and head of biology, chemistry, and environmental sciences.

Dr. Cahn argues that cockroaches live in some of the dirtiest places on earth and therefore need to have strong defense mechanisms against super bugs that help them thrive in polluted environments. I will. Meanwhile, humans are looking for ways to protect themselves from a variety of infectious diseases by introducing new antibacterial soaps.

“We tested this hypothesis by examining the various organs and microbes that inhabit the cockroach’s digestive tract. Studies have found several new antibiotics in cockroaches, taking into account these pests. However, there is a lot to learn from them.

Cockroaches have lived on this planet for millions of years and have survived natural disasters and superbug attacks. Our findings have the potential to save millions of lives if we succeed, especially in the face of increasing threats from infectious diseases and the emergence of new super bugs. “He said.

Laboratory studies that have been ongoing for the past five years have shown that cockroach molecules contain powerful antibacterial agents. However, animal clinical trials can verify the efficacy and effects of animals.

“This is an exciting time and we look forward to testing potential molecules against bacterial infections in animals,” said Dr. Kahn.

This collaboration was carried out by Dr. Ruqaiyyah Siddiqui and Dr. Khan of AUS’s Department of Biology, Chemistry and Environmental Sciences. Dr. Sutherland Maciver, University of Edinburgh, UK. Professor Kwang Kim of Johns Hopkins University in the United States. Professor Raza Shah of the University of Karachi, Pakistan.

The findings are widely published in scientific journals, and the group has secured important grants to support their work.

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