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What’s new in coronavirus: According to Gottlieb, hospital burdens are likely to peak in January

What’s new in coronavirus: According to Gottlieb, hospital burdens are likely to peak in January
What’s new in coronavirus: According to Gottlieb, hospital burdens are likely to peak in January


Washington- Dr. Scott Gottlieb, former head of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), said on Sunday Coronavirus Discovered in Europe, which has imposed strict restrictions in parts of the United Kingdom, appear to be more contagious than existing variants, but may not be fatal.

“Is there a new variant that has become the dominant stock in London because of what’s called the founder effect, has it just entered London and entered an early Superspreading event, or was it Gottlieb’s” Face the Nation “? “It was chosen because it has the property of being easy to spread as a result of what is called selective pressure,” he said in an interview with The Nation. “More and more like the latter. This new strain seems to be more contagious.”

But Gottlieb said the public health agency “doesn’t fully understand its contours” yet, but “probably not so deadly.”

“It’s more toxic and doesn’t seem dangerous than the mundane COVID,” he said.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson Imposed new, stricter restrictions With the proliferation of coronavirus infections in London and southern England, this appears to be caused by new strains of coronavirus that are more than 70% more susceptible than existing variants. The UK has warned the World Health Organization about the new strain, and several European countries have stopped flights from the UK accordingly.

The next question, Gottlieb, said was whether people already infected with COVID-19 could be infected with the new variant, and whether the new strain would eliminate the vaccine.

“The answer is probably not,” he said. “This virus mutates like any other virus. Influenza mutates the most. What the virus does is change the surface proteins, and the antibodies developed against these surface proteins will function. Now that the flu is very mutated. It changes its surface proteins so rapidly that we always need to get a new flu shot. Like a flu. Some viruses do not alter their surface proteins. In the middle. They mutate and alter surface proteins, but they are probably fast enough to develop new vaccines. “

Following the FDA Pfizer vaccine approval Elected top executives, including health care workers and members of parliament, began receiving their first dose of coronavirus vaccine last week for emergency use on December 11.Vice President Mike Pence, Second Lady Karen Pence, and surgeon General Jerome Adams Live vaccination Friday, and presidential elections Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden are set to receive their first shots on Monday.

FDA Issue an emergency use permit Shipment with a second coronavirus vaccine developed by Moderna on Friday Deployment started Sunday.

Vaccine approval marks a new welcome step in the coronavirus pandemic, but cases in the United States continue to grow and deaths continue to rise. With more than 17.6 million COVID-19 infections and more than 316,000 deaths, Gottlieb predicts that infections will peak around the first week of January.

“Due to the delay in hospitalization and the delay in death from COVID, the health care system will continue to be burdened well beyond the peak of infection,” he said. “Therefore, the number of deaths will continue to increase for another three weeks after these infections peak.”

Gottlieb said the country was “currently at the peak of this pandemic” and that it was important to deliver the vaccine dose as quickly as possible.

“The vaccine offered next week will probably have a greater impact on public health than the vaccine offered five weeks from now,” he said. “So we should lean forward and try to get as many vaccines as possible.”


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